根據 Berg Insight 表示,包括資產追蹤的歐洲運輸管理系統 (TMS) 市場,預計 2021 年時約為 9 億歐元。可預期出現穩定的成長,複合年均成長率 (CAGR) 為 9.7%,因此 2026 年的預測市值為 15 億歐元。
eSIM 與 Nano SIM 的主要差異在於其外形規格。eSIM 是一種嵌入式 SIM/SIM 晶片 (MFF2:5mm x 6mm x 1mm),焊接在裝置內,而 Nano SIM 則是一種可拆式 SIM 卡 (12.3mm x 8.8mm x 0.67mm),插入相容的 SIM 卡插槽中。然而,eSIM 一詞的意義更為複雜。
IoT 中的「網際網路分流」是指 IoT 裝置的資料離開其私有網路,並進入公用網際網路的時刻。這就如一個閘道,使 IoT 裝置能與雲端服務連線、進行通訊及存取線上資源。這可實現全球的資訊分享,釋放 IoT 的全部潛力。
簡訊點對點 (SMPP) 是用於傳輸文字訊息的基本協定。這是 ESME (外部簡訊實體),包括企業簡訊應用程式和行動網路 IoT 裝置,與行動裝置進行簡訊服務 (SMS) 通訊的主要協議。
UDP 代表「使用者資料包通訊協定」,該通訊協定允許裝置在 IP 網路中,進行資料傳輸。不同於提供連線導向通訊的 TCP (傳輸控制通訊協定),UDP 是一種無連線通訊協定,這表示它具有低延遲和高效率。
USSD (非結構化補充服務資料) 是一種通訊協定,能在不需要資料連線或產生 SMS 費用的情況下,傳輸小資料封包。它通常用於發送簡要的要求和指令,最大限制為 182 個字元 (16 位元的資料)。
MNO 代表「行動網路營運商」。這是指透過經營無線網路基礎設施,為客戶提供行動通訊服務的公司或組織。MNO 負責建立及維護,支援行動電話和資料服務的行動網路基礎設施。
5G 是第五代無線通訊技術,在速度、容量及延遲方面都有飛躍進步。5G 無線技術旨在提供 Gbps 級的更快峰值資料傳輸速度、大幅降低延遲、增強可靠性、擴大網路容量、提高可用性,並為更多使用者提供更一致的使用者體驗。
LTE-M,全名為「Long Term Evolution Machine Type Communication」(長期演進機器型通訊),是一種專為物聯網 (IoT) 設計的 4G 行動網路。它提供兩個主要版本:Cat-M1 和 Cat-M2。
LTE Cat-M2 是 LTE Cat-M1 的升級版,屬於 LPWA 行動技術,專為提升 IoT 連線能力而推出。它提供增強的 IoT 連線解決方案,顯著提升了頻寬、下載和上傳速度以及其他顯著優勢。
AWS IoT Analytics 是其中一個 AWS 解決方案,用於分析源自於 IoT 裝置的資料。此平台擅長透過 Lambda 功能、為特定目的建造的時間序列儲存,進行的即時資料收集,以及透過特定目的SQL 查詢和主導 Jupyter Notebooks 進行的進階分析。應用案例涵蓋預測保養、主動補貨、流程效率評分、以及智慧農業。
PTCRB (個人通訊服務型號認證評估委員會) 是一項認證計畫,旨在確保無線裝置與北美行動網路的相容性。PTCRB 認證由行動電信產業協會 (CTIA) 管理,對於想在北美市場銷售行動產品的製造商來說,是關鍵的要求。
AWS IoT Core 是 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 提供的管理雲端服務,提供一系列 IoT 裝置管理、資料處理以及裝置與雲端應用案例之間通訊的功能。
在 IoT 中,網路冗餘涉及建立備用網路資源,能在發生電力中斷、硬體故障、人為錯誤、系統故障或網路攻擊時,減少或防止停機。透過運行核心網路服務的替代執行個體及建構重複的網路基礎設施,網路資料傳輸可具有多條路徑,確保連續性和可靠性。
IoT 堆疊包含 IoT 裝置運作所需的所有技術元素,構成一個生態系統,每個元件相互影響並互動。這可能因結構而異,但基本上包括:硬體、感測器資料、資料傳輸、雲端資料和雲端層。
傳輸控制通訊協定 (TCP) 是為了在應用層內,實現可靠的 End-to-End 資料傳輸所開發,已經成為網際網路上的主要傳輸層通訊協定。TCP 能確保準確的資料傳輸,無錯誤、順序正確且無重複或遺失。
OpenVPN 是一種開源虛擬私人網路 (VPN) 通訊協定,透過 SSL/TLS 加密建立安全且加密的資料傳輸通道。它應用於多種作業系統,如 Windows、macOS、Linux、Android 和 iOS。
軟體 SIM 也稱為「虛擬 SIM」,是一種基於軟體的用戶識別模組 (SIM),無須使用實體 SIM 硬體。它通常不是以實體 SIM 卡的形式存在,而是儲存在裝置的記憶體以及處理器或數據機中。
IoT 安全是指保護物聯網 (IoT) 裝置和應用案例,免於潛在威脅和漏洞的侵害。由於 IoT 裝置相互聯接,容易受到各種風險的影響,包括未經授權的存取、資料洩露,甚至物理損害。
物聯網 (IoT) 是指連接到網際網路的實體物件、裝置和感測器的網路,它們可以相互進行通訊。另一方面,萬物聯網 (IoE) 是一個更廣泛的概念,包含了物聯網,並進一步擴展。
OCPP (開放式充電點通訊協定) 是一種開放且廣泛使用的通訊協定,專門為電動車 (EV) 充電站或充電點而開發。其目的是在充電站與中央管理系統之間,建立高效且安全的連接。
LTE Cat-1 (長期演進第 1 類) 是其中一種 4G LTE 技術,專為 IoT 而設計。在 LTE 技術中,共有超過 20 種不同的使用者設備 (UE) 類別,這些類別提供各種上行和下行選項。LTE Cat-1 屬於較低階的選項,其資料傳輸速度比其他較高階 LTE UE 類別慢。
多國際行動用戶識別碼 (Multiple International Mobile Subscriber) 簡稱為「多 IMSI」,是一種較新的技術,可以在一張 SIM 卡上儲存多個 IMSI。 透過使用多個 IMSI,裝置可以在需要時,連線至 1 個以上的營運商。
LoRaWAN (長距離廣域網路) 是目前在免許可低功耗廣域網路 (LPWA) 領域中的領先技術。 LoRaWAN 網路通常採用星狀拓撲配置,閘道負責在終端裝置與中央網路伺服器之間轉送訊息。
ICCID 代表積體電路卡識別 (Integrated Circuit Card Identification),它能讓行動網路營運商 (MNO) 為用戶設定適當的網路連線。每張 SIM 卡都具有唯一的 ICCID,這也被稱為 SIM 卡號碼。
行動交換中心 (MSC) 是 GSM/CDMA 網路的核心部分,作為網路交換子系統 (NSS) 中的控制中心。 MSC 負責路由語音通話、SMS、電路交換資料等。
GSM 代表「全球行動通訊系統」,是支援 2G 網路的技術。這是一種行動網路技術,透過一系列連接的基地台和裝置進行通訊。GSM 使用「分時多工存取」(TDMA),將頻段分割為多個時槽,讓多個使用者能共用相同的頻率通道。
Analog Devices (ADI) 總部位於麻州諾伍德,是 IoT 感測器製造方面的全球領導者。ADI 專精於先進感測器技術,提供精準測量感測器、溫度感測器、加速規、以及慣性測量單元 (IMUs)。
NXP Semiconductors 總部位於荷蘭恩荷芬,是全球半導體領導者,以 IoT 感測器和連線解決方案聞名。它原本是 Philips Electronics 的一部分,於 2006 年獨立出來。NXP 專精微型控制器、IoT 感測器和連線晶片,為 IoT 應用案例提供完善解決方案。它們的服務包含軟體開發工具、系統整合支援和技術輔助。
Azure Stream Analytics 是 Microsoft Azure 提供的受管理的雲端式串流處理引擎, 以平台即服務 (PaaS) 的方式運作,無須讓使用者管理隱藏的硬體或基礎設施。此服務是為了分析和處理具備亞毫秒延遲的大量串流資料。
Symantec 的 IoT 安全解決方案,圍繞著積極、適應性強、技術上頗為強大的措施,以經由裝置防護機制、資料加密、身分和存取管理、和異常偵測演算法,改善 IoT 環境中的安全性。
Google 雲端平台 (GCP) 大多經由 Google Cloud IoT Core 套件,為 IoT 分析提供解決方案。該套件適用於處理 IoT 資料的可擴充和有效率分析能力。
Armis Centrix 代表的是在多元環境中,針對洞察、防護、管理,營運科技 (OT)、物聯網 (IoT) 、和工業控制系統 (ICS) 資產、系統和流程的資安解決方案。
Thales IoT SAFE 是個可互通 IoT 安全服務,專為 IoT 應用案例部署所設計。它以隨插即用軟體即服務 (SaaS) 的方式運作,意指將整合須付出的努力減至最低,為配備 SIM 的 IoT 裝置提供自動化雲端資料安全環境。Thales 與領導級加拿大行動網路業者 TELUS、以及加拿大網際網路註冊管理機構 (CIRA) 合作,提供 SIM 再提供 IoT 伺服器,遵守「GSMA IoT SAFE」規格。
Google (Cloud) IoT Core 是個雲端式、完整管理的服務,提供 Google Cloud 資源階層中的裝置登記、驗證和授權,以及裝置中繼資料儲存 (雲端中)。
NVIDIA 以圖形處理器 (GPU) 聞名,拓展產品組合,將 IoT 板納入 Jetson 品牌。這些板使用強大的 GPU 和專屬硬體,加快運算速度,適合邊緣 AI 和電腦視覺應用案例。
AWS IoT Greengrass 是個雲端服務和開源邊緣運行時間,適用於物聯網 (IoT) 應用案例。它可建立智慧裝置軟體,提供本地處理、傳送訊息、並進行資料管理和機器學習推論。它包含能加快開發應用案例的預建組件。AWS IoT Greengrass 確保您的邊緣裝置和各種服務之間能保持安全連線,兩者都在 AWS 生態系統和第三方服務中。
Nordic Semiconductor 是挪威半導體公司,沒有自己的製造設施,專精推動物聯網 (IoT) 的無線通訊技術。這間公司以無線連線解決方案聞名。
Bosch 行動解決方案將其軟體做法著重於,將車輛轉換成數位平台,持續收集、儲存和運用資料,以改善服務和功能。此軟體導向策略,讓車輛在整個生命週期,以動態的方式演化,提供持續更新和改善。
Honeywell Forge 是個專門的軟體解決方案,專為建築管理和產業應用案例等垂直結構所設計。此技術擁有者擔任統一平台,運用 IoT 技術提升運作效率,將資源利用率最佳化,確保在這些特定垂直結構中,能有安全的聯網環境。
Oracle 零售套件是個專屬軟體解決方案,適合零售業垂直結構。它為零售商提供專門的工具,透過 IoT 技術整合,管理庫存,改善客戶體驗和營運方式。
AWS IoT 裝置管理屬於 Amazon Web Services (AWS) 的一部分,在促進穩健 IoT 裝置管理策略中,扮演關鍵角色。它代表其中一個 AWS 的服務,為客戶提供大規模的安全登記、組織、監控和遠端管理 IoT 裝置的能力。
Azure IoT Edge 是 Azure IoT Hub 的一部分,Microsoft 提供的裝置式運行時間,改善容器化 Linux 工作量的部署、執行和監控。此運行時間,可協助企業使用更貼近其裝置的雲端分析功能,可獲得更佳的洞察和線下決策。有了 Azure IoT Edge,您可在邊緣執行分析,對緊急狀況快速回應,將資料傳輸至雲端的過程最佳化。
Analog Devices (ADI) 是個跨國半導體公司,專精類比和數位訊號處理技術。Analog Devices IoT 板經常提供多種感測器,如加速規、陀螺儀、溫度感測器、環境感測器。
NetComm 位於澳洲雪梨,自 1982 年創立後,就在電信和連線領域,擔任領導級的創新者。NetComm 的產品系列包括多元的網路硬體選項,以及服務,以專精 IoT (物聯網) 聞名。
Azure IoT Hub 是個雲端管理式服務,擔任 IoT 應用案例和裝置之間通訊的中央訊息樞紐。它支援多元簡訊模式,如裝置至雲端的遙測、檔案上傳,以及 IoT 裝置管理用途的要求-回覆方法。
Intel NUC 是美國的 IoT 邊緣運算先驅,專門提供輕巧又強大的邊緣運算硬體。它們的 NUC 系列包含配備 Intel 處理器的邊緣伺服器,提供高效能運算,以作即時分析和本地資料處理。裝置包括內嵌系統,這種系統能協助智慧終端處理,完善的整合至邊緣環境中。
Cisco Systems 俗稱為 Cisco,是跨國技術公司,總部位於美國加州聖荷西。本公司專精提供多種產品和服務,包括網路硬體、軟體,以及企業、服務供應商和政府組織的服務。在眾多產品中,IoT 閘道可為各種產業和應用案例中的 IoT 裝置和感測器,促進順暢的連線、資料聚合和安全通訊。
Raspberry Pi 是個單板電腦 (SBC) 品牌,由英國慈善機構樹莓派基金會開發。Raspberry Pi 板廣泛用於 IoT (物聯網) 應用案例,因為尺寸小、功耗低、有多種用途。
Thales 是間法國公司,專精開發專為 IoT 應用案例量身打造的數據機和模組,在設計上可達到 IoT 裝置的多元需求,確保在各產業提供有效率的通訊。
Bosch Sensortec 是 Bosch 集團的子公司,是一間跨國工程和電子公司。Bosch Sensortec 位於德國羅伊特林根,專精感測器開發和製造,和各種應用案例的感測器解決方案,包括消費電子、汽車、工業和物聯網 (IoT)。
工業 IoT (也稱為 IIoT) 是一個由多個互聯裝置、感測器、先進應用案例及相應網路基礎架構組成的動態生態系統。這些元素相互作用,用以收集、監控及剖析從各種工業操作中獲得的資料。
IT/OT 融合是將資訊科技 (IT) 和營運科技 (OT) 併入組織中的流程,建立順暢、一體式的環境。它使用即時資料、自動化和分析,在不同垂直結構達到效率和決策目的,這些垂直結構包含製造、交通、醫療保健等。
瞭解 IoT 中免費 SIM 卡的概念、它們的優點、限制、可負擔的替代產品。瞭解 1NCE 符合成本效益的 IoT SIM 卡選項,提供 500MB 的資料和 250 SMS,只要 15 美元+1美元的 SIM 卡費用,即可使用 10 年。
傳統行動網路業者 (MNO) 是指負責建造和管理行動網路基地台的大公司,構成行動通訊網路的骨幹。另一方面,行動虛擬網路業者 (MVNO) 是指並未擁有實體基礎設施,但租賃來自 MNO 網路存取服務的服務供應商。
傳統安全攝影機仰賴 Wi-Fi 提供網路存取,無法取得可靠的 Wi-Fi 連線時怎麼辦?這時就該輪到攝影機的 IoT SIM 卡登場了,提供了替代方案,也就是行動網路連線。
此家庭網路可視為私人社區。家庭網路中的每個裝置,從筆記型電腦開始,到智慧音響等裝置,它們會有一個獨特的識別位址。這些獨特的識別碼為私人 IP 位址,與公開 IP 不同,公開 IP 會將資訊放在本地並加以保護。
隨收隨付 SIM 卡或預付 SIM 卡,可讓使用者預先支付使用 SIM 卡的費用。換句話說,依據實際用量向用戶收取費用。在 IoI 應用案例中,這些 SIM 卡經常在不同資料用量的裝置中使用,或在無法預測用量的情境下使用。
IoT in precision agriculture or precision farming helps to collect data on field conditions, weather, and crop performance. These insights help farmers to apply resources more efficiently, reducing waste and increasing productivity.
Remote patient monitoring (RPM) via IoT-enabled devices allows healthcare providers to track a patient's health data from home or other non-clinical environments. Wearable devices such as smartwatches and health trackers continuously collect patient health data and transmit it to healthcare teams.
Car and micromobility sharing services use IoT to enable efficient tracking, management, and user access through connected vehicles. Sensors provide real-time data on vehicle location, usage, and battery levels, while cellular connectivity solutions help to deliver this data to cloud services and apps.
IoT in Consumer Asset Tracking implies solutions which provide real-time tracking and monitoring for assets such as bikes, luggage, and vehicles. They ensure remote management, device/inventory security, and usage efficiency.
IoT connectivity & software support real-time monitoring and management of crops and soil conditions, providing data on factors like soil moisture, nutrient levels, and temperature. This data-driven approach helps farmers make informed decisions to maximize crop yields and maintain soil health.
eCall is a versatile system related to other IoT automotive use cases like fleet management, usage-based insurance, entertainment, stolen vehicle recovery, and navigation. It enables vehicles to connect and communicate through both aftermarket and factory-fit connectivity for various purposes.
Track electricity usage to ensure accurate billing and promote energy conservation. IoT-enabled electricity meters provide real-time data, empowering both providers and consumers to monitor consumption patterns, reduce waste, and manage energy costs effectively.
IoT in Electronic Shelf Labeling (ESL) ensures labels are updated in real-time, reflecting price changes or promotions instantly across stores. It supports deployment in large retail environments, providing stable communication for label synchronization. IoT software platforms enable centralized control of pricing strategies and inventory tracking.
IoT devices, software, and connectivity support fleet management in tracking and managing vehicle fleets for logistics, insurance, entertainment services, and navigation. It provides real-time data on vehicle performance, location, and driver behavior, optimizing routes, improving safety, and reducing costs.
IoT enables continuous patient monitoring within a clinical setting through healthcare IoT devices, such as heart rate monitors, blood pressure cuffs, and oxygen sensors. The data on critical changes in a patient's condition can be detected early, improving response times and patient outcomes.
Infrastructure management involves overseeing and maintaining critical systems like roads, bridges, and utilities with IoT technology. Smart monitoring solutions use sensors and real-time analytics to detect issues, predict maintenance needs, and optimize resource allocation.
Inventory management involves tracking inventory levels and movements through connected sensors and devices. This enables real-time insights into stock availability and location. Using IoT solutions for Logistics helps businesses optimize stock levels, reduce waste, and improve operational efficiency.
IoT-powered consumer IoT devices like smartwatches, fitness trackers, and health monitors transmit real-time data on health, fitness, and location, enhancing personal wellness and safety. They enable proactive health management and instant data control via IoT connectivity and software.
Smart pill dispensers equipped with IoT track medication usage and ensure timely administration of prescribed doses. These dispensers send alerts to both patients and healthcare providers if a dose is missed or if medication levels are low. This can also provide insights into a patient's health progress and support personalized treatment adjustments.
Point-of-sale (POS) terminals adopt IoT to process transactions in retail, hospitality, and service industries more efficiently. They integrate hardware such as card readers, barcode scanners, and receipt printers with software that manages sales, inventory, and payment processing, and connectivity to synchronize real-time data synchronization with cloud-based systems.
IoT-based predictive maintenance utilizes data from sensors and advanced analytics to predict when equipment or machinery needs maintenance. Analyzing specific patterns in performance and wear, it is possible to prevent unexpected breakdowns and extend the lifespan of assets.
Remote diagnostics and monitoring use IoT connectivity and cloud data to remotely control equipment and machinery. It enables real-time identification of issues and performance anomalies. With this approach, the number of manual check-ups reduces, while troubleshooting happens quicker.
Connected robots with IoT technology perform automated tasks in infrastructure, healthcare, and retail, providing precision, productivity, and overall service quality. They utilize data to adapt, learn, and operate effectively in dynamic environments.
Smart building and building automation imply the automated control of electrical, mechanical, and HVAC systems within buildings for energy efficiency and occupant comfort. Sensors and IoT devices adjust lighting, temperature, and ventilation based on real-time conditions and occupancy.
Monitor gas consumption with precision to enhance billing accuracy and ensure safety. IoT gas meters enable proactive leak detection and real-time usage updates, helping utilities and households mitigate risks and optimize gas usage.
Implement advanced monitoring and control of electricity, gas, and water distribution systems. Smart grids leverage IoT-integrated smart meters and energy storage solutions to deliver real-time analytics, ensure load balancing, and enhance operational reliability.
IoT-enabled irrigation systems use sensors and weather data to automate and optimize water distribution. These systems also provide real-time alerts, helping farmers respond quickly to changing conditions and conserve water resources.
IoT-based smart metering holds a significant position among smart utility systems and applications, primarily because it addresses key challenges in the utility sector and aligns with broader technological trends, such as energy management and cost efficiency.
Smart parking powered with IoT solutions helps to remotely monitor parking space occupancy, providing real-time information to both users and owners. Sensors in parking spaces detect vehicle presence, while the delivered data enable space optimization, improve traffic flow and dynamic pricing.
IoT-based smart street lighting systems contribute to public safety and energy efficiency by using sensors, adaptive brightness, and remote control. They can automatically adjust illumination based on time, weather, or activity, reducing energy consumption and costs. These systems often integrate with broader smart city networks for improved urban management.
Supply chain monitoring tracks and optimizes various processes involved in the production, storage, and distribution of goods. IoT-connected sensors and data obtained via software provide real-time insights on inventory levels, transportation conditions, and production efficiency. This enables better decision-making, improved operational efficiency, and greater supply chain visibility.
UBI demonstrates the benefits of IoT in automotive industry, specifically in insurance. Through telematics devices, insurers collect data on vehicle usage and driving behavior, such as speed, braking, and time of day. This data allows insurers to calculate premiums based on actual driving patterns rather than traditional risk factors.
IoT-enabled vehicles help to monitor specific operations and overall vehicle health via analyzing data like engine efficiency, fuel consumption, braking system functionality, and battery status. With sensors, onboard diagnostics (OBD), and IoT connectivity this data is delivered real-time to centralized systems or cloud platforms.
Smart vending machines use IoT technology to sell goods, such as snacks, beverages, or electronics, in various locations. Equipped with sensors and IoT connectivity, they monitor inventory levels, track sales, and perform predictive maintenance. Integrated software provides detailed insights into product performance and customer preferences, allowing businesses to optimize product offerings.
Smart waste management solutions use IoT-enabled sensors and data analytics to optimize collection routes and monitor bin levels in real time. This reduces operational costs, minimizes environmental impact, and improves service quality. Advanced systems also enable waste sorting and recycling for more sustainability.
Deliver real-time insights into water usage to support conservation efforts and prevent wastage. IoT water meters detect leaks early and provide actionable data, ensuring sustainable water management for households and businesses alike.
Building an IoT device comes with many challenges, and the choice of the connectivity provider is a crucial task. In this context eUICC is a pivotal technology as it allows customers to add, switch, or change the IoT connectivity provider remotely. In order to have the right eUICC setup, one needs to consider the specific requirements and specifications of the IoT SIM card.
The following provides an overview of the key criteria around the IoT SIM card when using it in combination with eUICC. Familiarize yourself with the different IoT SIM form factors, the often-used terms such as iSIM or eSIM, and the relevant SIM suppliers.
Learn more about How to Choose the Right IoT SIM.
eUICC capability is one of the current drivers of flexibility and composability in the ongoing uptake of IoT. Setting up an eUICC-powered IoT solution means to check for compatibility across all critical elements along the value chain, starting with choice the IoT connectivity provider or the SIM provider but of course also including the selection of compatible eUICC IoT hardware. Enclosed we give you a comprehensive guide over major features, trends, and relevant players around eUICC-capable IoT hardware, modules, and chipsets to allow you getting more familiar with the IoT ecosystem.
eUICC technology, often referred to as eSIM, promises the ability to change operator profiles, remote provisioning and management of SIM profiles, and eliminate the need for physical SIMs. eUICC is still an emerging technology, so we encourage all IoT enthusiasts to get familiar with the relevant background on how eSIMs can be used, who are the key players and providers, and what the most common use cases are.
Learn more about choosing the right IoT SIM for your project.
This article is the first of three about IoT connectivity and the choice of standards. In this part we emphasize on licensed vs. unlicensed radio technology standards and want to investigate into some common communication standards for Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) use cases to give you a better understanding what you should aim for, depending on the project you’re developing.
Anyone who talks about IoT and cellular mobile radio is confronted with a multitude of terms, especially regarding the different standards. Here is our overview of mobile radio standards from the past, the present and the near future.
Connecting M2M applications with SIM cards is not really a new phenomenon. The so-called Machine-to-Machine communication is quite often associated with the Internet of Things, in short IoT. But what is difference of both terms, M2M and IoT? Do you need different SIM-Cards for M2M solutions than for IoT applications?
NB-IoT vs. LTE-M: What are the strengths of each technology? For which areas of application are they best suited? We give answers.
There are many ways to extend battery lifetime in cellular networks. PSM and eDRX are only two of them. In our multiple part blog series, we want to take a closer look on how developers can get the maximum runtime out of their devices and where to expect obstacles.
MQTT, CoAP and LwM2M: An important factor for the energy consumption of an IoT device is the volume of data that is transmitted with each communication. The more data, the longer the device must remain active and the greater the power consumption. Choosing the right communication protocol can save a lot of energy.
Mobile operators shutdown old networks to make space for new technologies. While consumers usually won't be affected much by the technology change, it can have a huge impact on IoT installations. What can you do to avoid sudden device disconnection?
Network providers put a lot of hours and technology into ensuring that all devices connected to the Internet of Things are always reliably available. However, IoT developers and end users alike have additional tools available to optimize their devices and platforms so that they work reliably with communication networks.
The Internet of Things has dramatically facilitated humans’ lives, creating a vast ecosystem of remotely controllable devices. At the same time, progress doesn’t stand still and the global IoT market is expected to grow to 24.1 billion devices in 2030, generating $1.5 trillion in annual revenue.
IoT technology, with a particular focus on connectivity, is emerging as a powerful catalyst for sustainability transformation. Research conducted by Gartner, Transforma Insights, Berg Insight, and the US Department of Energy highlights its versatile contributions to environmental conservation. These contributions range from reduced CO2 emissions to water conservation achieved through remote management and analysis.