對智慧城市和 IoT 的市場洞察


1NCE 智慧城市客戶的相關案例 

  • 代表 6% 的 1NCE 客群

  • 在 89 個國家和地區實施的專案

  • 目前已管理 135 個大型佈建工程

  • 一般的佈建規模 10-50k

1NCE 智慧城市客戶的相關案例 

  • 代表 6% 的 1NCE 客群

  • 在 89 個國家和地區實施的專案

  • 目前已管理 135 個大型佈建工程

  • 一般的佈建規模 10-50k

智慧城市是 IoT 革命的前哨站,如同公共事業和自動化部門。隨著對都市發展和永續性越來越重視,智慧城市正在快速採用 IoT 技術,為基礎設施、傳輸和公共服務供電。根據 Statista,至 2023 年底,在智慧城市技術、產品和服務中,全球營收預計可達到 890 億美元。

對 1NCE 來說,智慧城市是 IoT 其中一個成長產業。我們至今已在智慧城市領域中,支援超過 1,400 個客戶。特別顯著的使用案例,包括街燈、排放控制、智慧停車、廢棄物管理或汽車共享。此外,由於我們支援在美國、英國、智利、波蘭、日本和韓國的公司,發現到智慧城市專案正在變成一個全球化的產業。

Source: Transforma Insights

智慧城市業中的 IoT 使用案例


Car and Micromobility Sharing

Car and micromobility sharing services use IoT to enable efficient tracking, management, and user access through connected vehicles. Sensors provide real-time data on vehicle location, usage, and battery levels, while cellular connectivity solutions help to deliver this data to cloud services and apps.  

Smart Parking IoT

Smart parking powered with IoT solutions helps to remotely monitor parking space occupancy, providing real-time information to both users and owners. Sensors in parking spaces detect vehicle presence, while the delivered data enable space optimization, improve traffic flow and dynamic pricing.  

Street Lighting

IoT-based smart street lighting systems contribute to public safety and energy efficiency by using sensors, adaptive brightness, and remote control. They can automatically adjust illumination based on time, weather, or activity, reducing energy consumption and costs. These systems often integrate with broader smart city networks for improved urban management.

Waste management IoT

Smart waste management solutions use IoT-enabled sensors and data analytics to optimize collection routes and monitor bin levels in real time. This reduces operational costs, minimizes environmental impact, and improves service quality. Advanced systems also enable waste sorting and recycling for more sustainability.  

Smart Environment

Smart environments use IoT connectivity and software to monitor and optimize environmental factors like temperature, CO2 levels, noise, and air quality. Sensors collect real-time data, enabling systems to adjust conditions for better energy efficiency, health, and sustainability.  

Public Information & Advertising Screens

Public information and advertising screens, powered by IoT, allow for real-time, remotely updated content, such as public transport schedules, traffic updates, and advertisements. These screens can be tailored based on location, time, and audience demographics.

Public Safety

Public safety, enhanced by IoT, involves monitoring and alert systems that help ensure the security of public spaces. IoT-enabled CCTV cameras, sensors, and alarms collect real-time data to detect unusual activities or emergencies, triggering immediate alerts to authorities.

Road Traffic Monitoring & Control

Road traffic monitoring encompasses diverse services associated with road infrastructure, such as road condition monitoring, congestion charging, road tolls, traffic volume monitoring, road signs, traffic lights, and enforcement cameras. 


如需瞭解聯網城市中的 IoT 在真實世界造成的影響,我們來深入探索一些成功案例:



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