傳輸業與物流業中的 IoT

IoT 使用案例和成功案例的市場洞察 

1NCE 相關案例

  • 物流業客戶佔 7% 的 1NCE 客群

  • 我們協助173個國家和地區的物流業客戶 

  • 在173個國家和地區中使用 

  • 一般的佈建規模在 10-50k

1NCE 相關案例

  • 物流業客戶佔 7% 的 1NCE 客群

  • 我們協助173個國家和地區的物流業客戶 

  • 在173個國家和地區中使用 

  • 一般的佈建規模在 10-50k

在 2020 年,全球物流市場於亞太地區、北美將近值 8.6 兆美元,其中亞太地區在業界佔領導地位。路線規劃不足、缺乏即時能見度、高營運成本、環境問題是長期的問題。物聯網 (IoT) 技術現在來解決這些挑戰,做法是提供即時數據洞察和自動化能力,因此能將物流流程最佳化,減少營運費用。

我們看到了傳輸業和物流業的 IoT 解決方案高度重要性的強大證明。時至今日,我們有23,000名客戶,7% 在傳輸業與物流業活躍。 我們支援的常見使用案例為資產追蹤、設備租賃監控、商用車輛遙測、冷鏈監控、以及遠端食物與飲料監控。 我們總共在173個國家和地區,為物流業建立了 IoT 專案。

Source: Transforma Insights

物流業中的 IoT 使用案例


Fleet Management IoT

IoT devices, software, and connectivity support fleet management in tracking and managing vehicle fleets for logistics, insurance, entertainment services, and navigation. It provides real-time data on vehicle performance, location, and driver behavior, optimizing routes, improving safety, and reducing costs.  

Asset Tracking and Monitoring

Asset tracking and monitoring involves overseeing assets like livestock, fitness equipment, or gaming machines using connected devices and real-time data analysis. Internet of Things ensures visibility, reduces loss, and improves asset management. It helps businesses monitor usage and condition for better decision-making. 

Inventory Management and Inventory Monitoring IoT

Inventory management involves tracking inventory levels and movements through connected sensors and devices. This enables real-time insights into stock availability and location. Using IoT solutions for Logistics helps businesses optimize stock levels, reduce waste, and improve operational efficiency.  

Road Public IoT Transportation

Connecting buses or other public transport vehicles helps to receive real-time data on routes, passenger loads, and vehicle performance, enabling better fleet management and improved passenger experiences. IoT-powered public transport supports features like remote diagnostics, and eco-friendly operations. 

Delivery Robots

Refers to autonomous vehicles that operate on roads or pavements for the purpose of delivering household items. These robots serve both the retail and food delivery sectors. 

Precision Specialist Robot

Describes autonomous machinery tailored for specific and precise tasks, which may include applications like surgery, house construction, organ manufacturing, and automated industrial processes. 


為了對物流業中 IoT 的實際影響進行觀察,您可瞭解 1NCE 客戶的更多資訊:



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