汽車產業和 IoT 的關鍵洞察


1NCE 汽車產業客戶的案例

  • 佔據了 16% 的 1NCE 客群

  • 在 在 173個國家和地區使用

  • 目前支援 388 個大型佈建工程

  • 一般的佈建規模是 10-50k

1NCE 汽車產業客戶的案例

  • 佔據了 16% 的 1NCE 客群

  • 在 在 173個國家和地區使用

  • 目前支援 388 個大型佈建工程

  • 一般的佈建規模是 10-50k

汽車產業在物聯網 (IoT) 時代快速演變,就像許多其他的產業一樣。在 Transforma Insights 最近的報告中,其揭露聯網汽車產業即將迎來重大成長,預計於 2030 年建立 25 億個聯網裝置。 會有這麼顯著的成果,是由於在聯網汽車空間中,有大量的高頻寬行動連線的緣故。

IoT 在汽車產業的高度重要性,也反映在 1NCE 客群中。我們至今服務的 23,000名客戶中,超過 16% 來自汽車產業,遍布於 41 個國家和地區,包含美國、義大利、德國、法國和其他市場。此外,由於我們的客戶在全球超過173個國家和地區使用 1NCE 服務,這是我們在全球汽車產業中被全球使用的重要證明。

Source: Transforma Insights

汽車產業和 IoT 使用案例

探索下表中,汽車產業中常見的 IoT 使用案例以及簡述。

eCall IoT

eCall is a versatile system related to other IoT automotive use cases like fleet management, usage-based insurance, entertainment, stolen vehicle recovery, and navigation. It enables vehicles to connect and communicate through both aftermarket and factory-fit connectivity for various purposes. 

Usage-Based Insurance (UBI) IoT

UBI demonstrates the benefits of IoT in automotive industry, specifically in insurance. Through telematics devices, insurers collect data on vehicle usage and driving behavior, such as speed, braking, and time of day. This data allows insurers to calculate premiums based on actual driving patterns rather than traditional risk factors.

Vehicle Diagnostics IoT

IoT-enabled vehicles help to monitor specific operations and overall vehicle health via analyzing data like engine efficiency, fuel consumption, braking system functionality, and battery status. With sensors, onboard diagnostics (OBD), and IoT connectivity this data is delivered real-time to centralized systems or cloud platforms.  

Dash Cams

In-vehicle cameras using IoT connectivity record vehicle interiors or exteriors to document evidence during road accidents. Integration with IoT solutions enables real-time video transmission, remote monitoring, and data storage in the cloud. 

In-Vehicle Infotainment

IoT-connected infotainment systems in vehicles provide entertainment, navigation, and other features. These systems enable music streaming, voice-controlled assistance, real-time traffic updates, and seamless integration with smartphones. 

In-Vehicle Navigation

With IoT, in-vehicle navigation systems offer real-time, turn-by-turn guidance, helping drivers reach their destinations efficiently. These systems integrate traffic updates, live route adjustments, hazard warnings, and weather conditions, allowing for dynamic route planning and continuous optimization.

Vehicle Head Unit

A vehicle head unit is an integrated, factory-fitted onboard system that provides a central interface for managing a wide range of connected car services. By integrating IoT connectivity, the head unit offers real-time access to vehicle diagnostics, performance data, and remote monitoring as well as other smart functions. 

Road Traffic Monitoring & Control

Involves connections to buses, especially public transport vehicles, and encompasses monitoring and controlling road traffic. It includes features like road condition monitoring, congestion charging, and traffic volume monitoring. 

EV Charging

IoT-powered EV charging integrates connected devices for real-time monitoring, predictive maintenance, and dynamic load management. IoT systems optimize energy use, adjust pricing based on demand, and provide real-time updates to users.


為了瞭解在汽車產業中,IoT 對真實世界造成的影響,我們深入探索一些成功案例,聽聽客戶怎麼說吧。



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