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1NCE 公用事業客戶的相關案例
代表 20% 的 1NCE 客群
在 95 個國家和地區實施專案
336 個大型佈建工程
一般的佈建規模在 10-50k
1NCE 公用事業客戶的相關案例
代表 20% 的 1NCE 客群
在 95 個國家和地區實施專案
336 個大型佈建工程
一般的佈建規模在 10-50k
公用事業產業在 IoT 中佔比很高。根據分析公司 IDC,公用事業公司於 2023 年在 IoT 市場的市佔率為 9.4%。能源成本在全球持續成長時,使用者、供應商和法律機構有高度興趣,推動智慧電表專案,以降低讀表服務的成本,同時也能使用新的數位服務。此外,在小型化發電系統、再生能源和智慧城市的相關新市場開發等產業中推動創新。
公用事業客戶佔了 20%,不意外的成為 1NCE 客群最大的比例,目前總共23,000名。我們至今已支援義大利、南韓、美國、英國或德國的瓦斯供應商、自來水公司和電力供應商。我們總共在全球超過 95 個國家和地區管理公用事業用途的 IoT 專案。
Source: Transforma Insights
智慧公用事業系統提升電力、水、瓦斯、以及其他能源分配的規劃,提供即時監控和控制,以獲得更有效率的營運結果。 瞭解更多有關以下特定使用案例的資訊。
IoT Electricity Metering
Track electricity usage to ensure accurate billing and promote energy conservation. IoT-enabled electricity meters provide real-time data, empowering both providers and consumers to monitor consumption patterns, reduce waste, and manage energy costs effectively.
IoT Gas Metering
Monitor gas consumption with precision to enhance billing accuracy and ensure safety. IoT gas meters enable proactive leak detection and real-time usage updates, helping utilities and households mitigate risks and optimize gas usage.
IoT Water Metering
Deliver real-time insights into water usage to support conservation efforts and prevent wastage. IoT water meters detect leaks early and provide actionable data, ensuring sustainable water management for households and businesses alike.
Smart Metering IoT
IoT-based smart metering holds a significant position among smart utility systems and applications, primarily because it addresses key challenges in the utility sector and aligns with broader technological trends, such as energy management and cost efficiency.
Smart Grid Management IoT
Implement advanced monitoring and control of electricity, gas, and water distribution systems. Smart grids leverage IoT-integrated smart meters and energy storage solutions to deliver real-time analytics, ensure load balancing, and enhance operational reliability.
Facilitate remote reading of heat consumption allocators deployed on radiators and thermostats. IoT-enabled sub-meters deliver data accuracy, optimize energy allocation, and provide real-time monitoring for improved thermal efficiency.
從改善的服務到永續資源管理,客戶分享採用 IoT 技術時的經驗: