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1NCE 農業客戶的事實
佔所有 1NCE 客戶 7%
在 89 個國家和地區實施的 IoT 專案
全球 49個大型佈建工程
一般的佈建規模 1-10k
1NCE 農業客戶的事實
佔所有 1NCE 客戶 7%
在 89 個國家和地區實施的 IoT 專案
全球 49個大型佈建工程
一般的佈建規模 1-10k
全球人口將於 2050 年達到 96 億,很明顯的這代表的是農業產業的重大挑戰。隨著人口成長,農業設備也在成長,根據 Statista 統計,農業設備的全球市場規模預計於 2026 年達到總金額 2,062.9 億美元。 面臨無法預測的天氣模式、氣候變遷、環境永續問題,IoT 經過證明,是個改革的力量,能處理和減緩這些挑戰。
1NCE 發現了在農業產業中,IoT 有高潛力和高度重要性。現在我們在病蟲害防治、作物監測、智慧灌溉、蜂群分析和其他使用案例支援超過 1600 名客戶,佔我們客群的 7%。此外,我們可追蹤在德國、丹麥、馬來西亞、瑞士、斯洛維尼亞、希臘、奧地利、荷蘭、義大利和西班牙,農業裝置採用 IoT 的情況的快速成長。
Source: Transforma Insights
Crop Monitoring IoT
IoT connectivity & software support real-time monitoring and management of crops and soil conditions, providing data on factors like soil moisture, nutrient levels, and temperature. This data-driven approach helps farmers make informed decisions to maximize crop yields and maintain soil health.
Precision Agriculture IoT
IoT in precision agriculture or precision farming helps to collect data on field conditions, weather, and crop performance. These insights help farmers to apply resources more efficiently, reducing waste and increasing productivity.
Smart Irrigation IoT
IoT-enabled irrigation systems use sensors and weather data to automate and optimize water distribution. These systems also provide real-time alerts, helping farmers respond quickly to changing conditions and conserve water resources.
Pest Control
Pest Control systems use IoT solutions to detect and control pest infestations. With the data delivered from the pest tracking device to the cloud, it’s easier to protect crops and reduce environmental impact.
Heavy Machinery Equipment Monitoring
Performance and usage of agricultural machinery like tractors, harvesters, and combines, can be tracked with specific devices combined with software & connectivity solutions. The data extracted can be used for equipment lifespan through predictive maintenance and better usage patterns.
1NCE 很願意在農業產業中,分享我們客戶的成功案例: