1NCE Products FAQ

Our 1NCE offers are simple and straightforward. However, questions can certainly arise here and there. Therefore we have already compiled a list of your possible questions in order to provide you with an answer as quickly as possible. If you couldn’t find the answers to your questions in our FAQ, feel free to contact us via our contact form and one of our 1NCE staff will respond to your request as soon as possible.

How can we help?

What impact does the Brexit have on you as a 1NCE customer?
The so-called Brexit does not have any impact on you in terms of connectivity. There will be only a change with invoices. From the day Great Britain officially leaves the EU, 1NCE is obligated to create all invoices for British customers including a VAT of 19%.
Where is the1NCE Connectivity Management Platform (CMP)?
The Connectivity Management Platform is an integral part of the customer portal. With the Dashboard you can review all relevant information regarding their SIM cards. In addition the Connectivity Management Platform offers a detailed management down to a single SIM card as well as several functions regarding configuration of VPN, SMS or API.
Can 1NCE SIM cards be purchased by private individuals?
The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat is only aimed at companies. Purchase by private individuals (consumers) is not permitted.
Can I order SIM cards for testing purposes only?
Yes, individual 1NCE SIM cards can also be purchased for testing. This is possible since there is no minimum order quantity. However, no special plan is available for test customers.
Can students or developers purchase 1NCE SIM cards?
The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat is only aimed at companies, therefore students or developers looking to purchase the 1NCE SIM card as private individuals (consumers) are excluded from doing so.
Does the 1NCE SIM card support voice?
No, voice support is not included in the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat. Only data and text messages are supported.
Is both uplink and downlink data deducted?
The included data volume is measured and deducted with an accuracy of 1 kByte. Both overhead data resulting from the use of the respective protocols, such as UDP or TCP, and the actual payload are included in our calculations. All transport data between the device/modem and applications is deducted. This includes both uplink and downlink data packages.
Is it possible to send text messages to other devices?
SMS can be sent from the server to the end device and vice versa. An SMS cannot be sent from one device to another. However, there is the function of "SMS forwarding". To be able to use this, you need a separate server that picks up the SMS from the portal and forwards it. You can find more information in the Developer Hub .
What can I do if text messages are not sent or received despite having a connection?
You can control and check the status and how many text messages have been used via the 1NCE Customer Portal. If the SMS volume is sufficient you should always check the configuration of the module to avoid errors.
Who's ubirch?
The ubirch GmbH is the specialist for blockchain-based technology in the field of IoT with locations in Cologne, Berlin and Munich. The team consists of experienced specialists for cryptography, blockchain and data-driven business models. Consisting of an extremely lightweight client for sensor firmware and the matching cloud backend, ubirch's "Blockchain for Things" product enables data protection to military standards and thus offers new business models for the Internet of Things. Innovative cryptography and blockchain technologies guarantee the trustworthiness of IoT data. ubirch is aimed primarily at customers from the industry and manufacturing, smart cities, insurance, IoT start-ups, energy supply and logistics segments.
Who is China Telecom?
China Telecom Global Limited (“CTG”) is a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Telecom Corporation Limited (“China Telecom”). Established in 2012 and headquartered in Hong Kong, CTG connects the Asia Pacific region and the world by leveraging its abundant resources in mainland China. China Telecom has branches or subsidiaries in 42 countries and regions, 200 overseas PoPs, and more than 55.4T capacities in international connectivity bandwidth and intercontinental capacity. By tapping into its network resources of 41 submarine cables (China Telecom was involved in the construction of more than 10 of those cables) and leveraging direct connection to more than 10 neighbouring countries and regions via terrestrial cables, CTG has forged its global layout of service network and network capacity. Targeting carriers, multinational corporations and overseas Chinese, CTG provides customised and cost-effective integrated communications solutions and diversified telecom services to cater to their global business needs. Its services include internet direct access, internet transit, data services, broadband, unified communications, internet data centres, cloud computing, ICT services, fixed and mobile voice and value-added services, professional services and industry solutions, telecom operation consultancy, and service outsourcing.
Where can I see where which radio standards are switched off?
We keep you informed about the so-called "2G/3G Discontinuation" in our Developer Hub.
1NCE Shop

Buy the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat now

Visit the 1NCE Shop and start connecting your IoT devices easily. Simply order your SIM cards, choose the desired type of SIM card and fill out all required forms. After the payment has been approved you get your cards within five to seven business days.