1NCE Products FAQ

Our 1NCE offers are simple and straightforward. However, questions can certainly arise here and there. Therefore we have already compiled a list of your possible questions in order to provide you with an answer as quickly as possible. If you couldn’t find the answers to your questions in our FAQ, feel free to contact us via our contact form and one of our 1NCE staff will respond to your request as soon as possible.

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How to configure the Data Streams in the 1NCE Customer Portal?
Setting up a Data Stream requires you to select the Stream Type to specify if just Event or Usage data is desired, or both should be sent jointly.

You can select the transmission of historic data. If historic data is selected the 1NCE Platform will send all customers data up to seven days old, however it will take significantly longer until transmissions are caught up with live data.

An activated and configured stream will be enabled instantly, and the performance can be monitored. The current Remote Status is shown in the Customer Portal as HTTP status coded from the remote site. If a 200 (OK) is displayed, the Data Stream is operating normally if the receiving section is not reachable or the configuration is invalid, it will show a 500er error.

You can pause and resume the stream at any time by using the action buttons next to the stream details.

For setting up the Data Streams for a RestAPI or RestAPI in Bulk mode the specification of an API Callback is required. The 1NCE Data Stream acts as an HTTP Client and needs an HTTP Server to handle each Post. Every sent message includes an array of one or more objects.
Is it possible to set multiple users in the Customer Portal for administrating the 1NCE SIM Cards?
Yes, you can create multiple user accounts on the 1NCE Customer Portal and to set different user roles and rights. Under the tab “User” on the 1NCE Customer Portal the initial owner of the account can create and edit new user accounts. The following roles are available on the Customer Portal:
-Owner: This is the initial user and cannot be changed . This role can use every function and administrate “Admins” and “Users”. The role of “Owner” can also be assigned to a newly added user.
– Admin: This role has all access (including API access) and can administrate the account as well as create and delete users.
– User: This role can see all details on the Customer Portal and administrate SIM Cards, but cannot initiate new orders or Top-Ups, therefore this role does not have any rights to purchase or recharge.
– API User: This role is designed for the usage of the 1NCE REST API available via the 1NCE-API webpage or from applications directly via HTTPs and defines the API client credentials for programmatic access. To use the API the individual OAuth2 client_id and client_credentials are required.
For creating a new user account, the following information is required: First and last name, e-mail address (is used as login) and desired role.
API Users have the account number as a prefix in front of specified client_credential.
After creating a new user an e-mail is sent to the new mail address requesting to set an initial new password for the 1NCE Customer Portal (API User is an exception as the client_secret needs to be specified while setting up new user).
Does 1NCE also offer LTE-M?
Yes, currently the 1NCE SIM card supports the radio standards 2G, 3G, 4G, NB-IoT and LTE-M. On our Coverage Map you can identify which radio standards are available in which country.
Does 1NCE also support IPSec?
If you have high security requirements you can optionally use the IPSec protocol with the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat. However, IPSec is not included in the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat per default and has to be purchased separately.
Does 1NCE offer an API to control and diagnose SIM cards?
1NCE offers an API that allows you to integrate all relevant functions for managing, controlling and monitoring 1NCE SIM cards into an external system. 
Detailed documentation on this topic can also be found in the API section of the Developer Hub on the 1NCE website.
Does the 1NCE SIM card support voice?
No, voice support is not included in the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat. Only data and text messages are supported.
How can I monitor the performance of my SIM Cards?
1NCE offers a service called “Data Streams”. The Data Stream service allows to subscribe to real-time Event and Usage Data for all SIM Cards by pushing data directly to your server or an already integrated cloud service such as AWS Kinesis, DataDog or Keen.io. In total up to ten different Data Streams can be configured per account. More information on "Data Streamer" can be found in the Developer Hub in documentation section.
How can I use VPN with a different operating system?
The operating system selected can be changed at your 1NCE Customer Portal.
How do I install VPN to the 1NCE SIM cards?
A detailed step-by-step guide is available on the tab "Configuration" in the Developer Hub on the 1NCE website.
Detailed documentation on this topic can also be found in the 1NCE Developer Hub .
How do I use an additional VPN token in an account?
Only one VPN token is available per account.
How does the setup for the OpenVPN client work?
The OpenVPN client needs to be running on your PC to which the data of the SIM carrying device shall be transferred. A basic guide for installing the OpenVPN client can be found within the customer portal on the tab Configuration. The OpenVPN than establishes a connection to the 1NCE network and provides a secured data transfer between the device and the customers server.
Detailed documentation on this topic can also be found in the tutorial section of the Help Center on the 1NCE website.
How to use the Sub-Organizations?
As a 1NCE customer, you can create new sub-organizations directly in the customer portal in the Tab "Organizations."
This feature enables you to create independent organizations, e.g., for your subsidiary or sub-contractor.
Creating a new organization requires the Role “Owner” or “Admin”. After creating a new organization, the new owner is being notified and asked to set up his password via email, so that he can access the customer portal.
All known features are active in the new organization.
An order of SIM cards can be placed in the new organization by using the "Reorder" Button and go through the regular ordering process.
Alternatively, your new organization can order directly via the webshop. In this way it requires their login in the second step.
As Master Organization you can see the total number of SIMs ordered by each organization, but don't have direct access without a dedicated account created by them.
Is an overview of devices supporting 1NCE SIM cards available?
As a strategic partner of Deutsche Telekom AG, 1NCE refers to the list of its reliable and competent partner network: Deutsche Telekom's list of licensed devices is updated regularly.
Is it possible to send text messages to other devices?
SMS can be sent from the server to the end device and vice versa. An SMS cannot be sent from one device to another. However, there is the function of "SMS forwarding". To be able to use this, you need a separate server that picks up the SMS from the portal and forwards it. You can find more information in the Developer Hub .
Is it possible to switch from VPN to IPSec?
It is basically possible to change from VPN to IPSec. A request will then be forwarded by 1NCE Customer Service to the regional representative in the Sales Team.
Via which data protocols is data transported?
1NCE provides a transparent data connection via 2G (GPRS), 3G (UMTS), 4G (LTE), LTE-M and NB-IoT. The customer application generally uses TCP or UDP as the transport protocol.
What bandwidth(s) does 1NCE support? Is this the same for all technologies (2G, 3G, 4G, LTE-M and NB-IoT)?
Regardless of the wireless network (2G, 3G, 4G, LTE-M or NB-IoT), data is sent with a maximum bandwidth of up to 1 Mbits/s.
What can I do if the data connection is very slow or the connection is sometimes even interrupted?
You can control and check the status and how much volume has been used via the 1NCE Customer Portal. The location of a module can be decisive for the strength and reliability of a connection. Please note that when using certain access technologies, such as NB-IoT, the connection will terminate when changing radio cell.
What connectivity standards does 1NCE support?
The 1NCE SIM card allows you to transmit data on the LTE Cat-NB1 (NB-IoT), LTE CAT-M1 (LTE-M), 2G (GSM, GPRS), 3G (UMTS) and 4G (LTE) wireless networks. A maximum bandwidth of 1 Mbit/s applies on all wireless networks with the 1NCE SIM card.
What do I do if the error message “auth failed” appears whilst setting up the VPN?
When setting up the VPN, the correct "credentials.txt"-file needs to be used. This data is available in the 1NCE customer portal on the "Configuration" tab in the "OpenVPN Configuration" area.
What functions does the 1NCE Customer Portal include?
The 1NCE Customer Portal includes:

the monitoring and control of ordered SIM cards,

remote control of the SIM card status (active, inactive, deactivated),

management of customer data such as delivery address, billing address or payment method,

creating sub-organisations and user profiles with custom rights and purchasing additional SIM cards (and data volumes)

Overview of the perfomance of different network components and an incident log

Detailed documentation on this topic can also be found in the in the Developer Hub on the 1NCE website.
What needs to be inserted in the configuration menu on the customer portal regarding OpenVPN?
When using OpenVPN, the IP Address needs to be inserted, which the OpenVPN client is delivering, when it is started.
For example: http://10.64.x.x:500/sms, port and path is coming from the local device.
Detailed documentation on this topic can also be found in the tutorial section of the Help Center on the 1NCE website.
What security standards does 1NCE support?
For data transmission in the 1NCE network and in the 1NCE roaming partner networks, the respective security mechanisms of the various mobile radio standards are applied. Data transmission via the Internet to the IoT application server can be secured by a VPN connection.
1NCE offers the openVPN client already included in the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat as standard, while an IPSec or VPC Peering solution is offered at an extra charge.
Where can I find the APN address?
The APN address (iot.1nce.net) can be found on the "Configuration" tab of the 1NCE Customer Portal in the "Network Settings" section.
Why is there no constant connection to NB-IoT?
NB-IoT is best suited for stationary devices since it does not support seamless cell handover, which means that the connection has to be re-established again when the devices attaches to a new cell network tower.
Why does the IMEI in the CMP differ from the IMEI of the device?
The IMEI displayed in the Customer Portal is retrieved from the network during PDP context activation, the format is as follows:
IMEI + SV (software version), based on the standard specification 3GPP TS23.003.

Composition of IMEI:

Type Allocation Code (TAC) - 8 digits

Serial Number (SNR) - 6 digits

Spare digit - 1 digit

Composition of IMEISV:

TAC - 8 digits

SNR - 6 digits

Software Version Number (SVN) - 2 digits

If you want to compute the original IMEI from the IMEISV, you can apply the algorithm of Luhn. The Luhn Check Digit (CD) is computed on the 14 digits after the SVN digits are ignored:
Step 1: Double every second digit, starting from the first one on the most right.
Step 2: Add all digits that have been left out in step 1 and then add each individual digit that you got in step 1 (if you got a 12 in step 1, you need to add 1 and 2).
Step 3: If the sum obtained in step 2 ends in 0, then CD is set to 0. Otherwise, the CD is calculated by subtracting the sum from the closest higher value ending in 0 (if you got 18, then CD=20-18=2).
Where do I find the IP address of the 1NCE SIM card?
The 1NCE SIM cards have static IPv4 addresses.
These can be identified in the 1NCE Customer Portal under the view "My SIMs" in the column "IP address". The subnet or the subnets of the cards can be found on the tab “Configuration” in the "Network settings" under the heading "IP Address Space". From 250 SIM cards per customer account, several subnets can be assigned.
How does the ubirch sealing process work?
Ubirch uses Blockchain technology to secure data directly from the source of data creation, the IoT sensor. A private key located on the SIM card seals the IoT data. In the backend, these micro certificates are then stored in a so-called Merkle tree and anchored in public blockchains. This creates an unchangeable and irrefutable data set for each individual sensor. Since the protocol is bidirectional, an IoT sensor can also check incoming data packets for authenticity and integrity. This provides efficient protection against unauthorized commands or unknown sources, because IoT data can be verified whenever it is processed, and only verifiable packets are processed.
The new security package uses the proven SIGNiT solution from G+D Mobile Security, which creates the link between a proven SIM environment, a secure operating system and the block chain.
Can I use Blockchain solution on my existing cards?
The IoT data security package Blockchain-on-a-SIM is a solution developed in cooperation with G&D, ubirch and 1NCE. The card manufacturer G+D Mobile Security prepares the SIM for the ubirch trust protocol during production. This modification in the manufacturing process makes it possible to seal the data directly at the source, in this case already on the SIM. A subsequent modification of the SIM is therefore not possible and the standard SIM card from 1NCE cannot be used for this. Please contact our Sales Team via the contact form on 1NCE.com to order the Blockchain-on-a-SIM solution.
Do I also have to sign a contract with ubirch for Blockchain functionality?
Yes, the Blockchain-on-a-SIM solution is an additional product to the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat and is not included in the standard price. To use this additional product a contract with ubirch GmbH is necessary. The 1NCE Sales Team will be happy to support you with your first order and will of course be available to advise you. Please use the contact form on 1NCE.com .
Which bearers does 1NCE cover in the collaboration with China Telecom?
1NCE is able to provide permanent roaming on NB-IoT and 4G in the collaboration with China Telecom.
Which requirements must my device meet for the Multi-IMSI-SIM of 1NCE?
Devices that are equipped with a Multi-IMSI-SIM must support the so-called "SIM Application Toolkit". The “SIM Application Toolkit” (STK) is a standard of the GSM system which enables the SIM card to initiate actions which can be used for various value-added services.
What protocols does 1NCE OS support?
On the device side, we support UDP, COAP and Lightweight M2M (LwM2M). On the cloud side, we support the integration into Amazon Web Services (AWS), or into any other cloud platform via HTTPS webhooks.
Is there a limit on how many devices can communicate with 1NCE OS?
1NCE OS does not have any limits on devices. All cellular-connected IoT devices using our 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat are able to connect and use all 1NCE OS tools.
How is security ensured for 1NCE OS?
1NCE OS has a high focus on security and its one of the core design fundamentals. As part of our development, we are running continuously security checks and penetration tests and have a dedicated Security specialist in the team. Technically, we are benchmarking all our systems on the high-security standards used in our Core Network. Authentication of IoT Devices using our SIM Card is leveraging all Mobile Core Networks Identifiers like IMSI, MSISDN and IMEI in combination with the static IP Address to verify and validate all data packages separately.
What hardware do I need to use the 1NCE SIM with ubirch functionality?
In principle, you can use any system with a modem which supports AT+CSIM commands to send APDU commands to the SIM card. For getting started quickly, we recommend to set up a ubirch testkit .
Where can I find ubirch documentation on a custom code to communicate with the SIM?
You can find the backend API documentation on https://developer.ubirch.com/api.html. You can also take a look the code used by the ubirch testkit as an example. Setting up a ubirch testkit might also be a good choice for getting acquainted with the ubirch functionality before starting to develop your own code.
What could be the reason that the ubirch test kit is not connected to NB-IoT?
If you have acquired and setup the ubirch testkit hardware yourself, please make sure that you have flashed the NB-IoT firmware to the modem. See the testkit readme for a link to suitable instructions. Also, make sure that the antenna is connected to the correct port (next to the RGB LED). You can also try to move the testkit to an area with better reception.
Where can I get the ubirch testkit?
If you are interested in the ubirch test kit, please contact the sales team at ubirch directly.
What do I have to consider with my own implementation for communication with the SIM card to avoid errors?
Please make sure that you open a separate APDU channel to communicate with the applet on the SIM. Communication on the base channel (channel 0) may cause problems, because the modem hardware may already be communicating with the SIM on this channel. To open a separate channel please use the "MANAGE CHANNEL" APDU command and encode the channel assigned by the SIM in all subsequent commands in the CLA byte. (Details can be found in ISO 7816 Part 4 Sections 5.4.1 and 6.16.)
Also remember to close the channel if you no longer use the SIM or want to perform a reset. If you are using an ubirch testkit, opening a channel is automatically done by the micropython library.
Also note that for some hardware, resetting the main microcontroller does not automatically reset the modem hardware. This is because on some boards, the modem and microcontroller are implemented as quasi-separate systems. The reason for this is that such a configuration allows, for example, the modem to wake up a microcontroller that has been switched off to save power, depending on e.g. an SMS. However, this may also mean that your modem may need to perform a separate reset of its own in order to correctly reset it to its basic state before you start communication. Please refer to the documentation of your chosen board/modem to determine if and how you need to perform such a separate modem reset and, depending on the default configuration of your modem, AT status messages such as "+CEREG" may disturb your SIM communication if they occur while you are waiting for an AT+CSIM command response.
Is there a significant latency time to reconnect from CTG network under local IMSI to China Mobile, China Unicom under our Deutsche Telekom profile?
There is no overlap in the coverage of the two IMSI, so that the module's "SIM Application Toolkit" can clearly distinguish which IMSI is used depending on the region/country, so there are no additional latency time in selecting the networks.
How does 1NCE provide sub-nets / provision IP-addresses for the China+ IMSI: is it in the same pool as current?
The sub-nets and IP-addresses for the 1NCE China+ IMSI will be delivered from the same pool as for the 1NCE standard IMSI.
What does "Multi-IMSI" with China+ exactly mean in regards of coverage?
Multi-IMSI means there are at least two IMSIs on the same SIM card, which allows the customer to get coverage of ‘both worlds’, which means roaming is possible in all networks, which either do have an roaming agreement based on 1NCE standard IMSI or based on CTG IMSI. The China+ SIM itself only provides additionally NB-IoT and 4G coverage via the CTG network in Mainland China and 4G coverage in Macao.
What is the phone number of the SIM card?
The phone number of the SIM card is identical to the MSISDN of your card, but cannot be used for voice calls. If, for example, a device has to be configured via SMS, you can send AT commands to the MSISDN. SMS can be sent directly from the customer portal or via an API. For more details on the topic, visit https://help.1nce.com/dev-hub/docs/examples-mt-sms .
1NCE Shop

Buy the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat now

Visit the 1NCE Shop and start connecting your IoT devices easily. Simply order your SIM cards, choose the desired type of SIM card and fill out all required forms. After the payment has been approved you get your cards within five to seven business days.