1NCE Products FAQ

Our 1NCE offers are simple and straightforward. However, questions can certainly arise here and there. Therefore we have already compiled a list of your possible questions in order to provide you with an answer as quickly as possible. If you couldn’t find the answers to your questions in our FAQ, feel free to contact us via our contact form and one of our 1NCE staff will respond to your request as soon as possible.

How can we help?

What impact does the Brexit have on you as a 1NCE customer?
The so-called Brexit does not have any impact on you in terms of connectivity. There will be only a change with invoices. From the day Great Britain officially leaves the EU, 1NCE is obligated to create all invoices for British customers including a VAT of 19%.
How do I get hold of an invoice copy?
In order to create a copy of the invoice, log in to the 1NCE Customer Portal , go to the tab "Orders" and download the required invoice.
How is my data volume calculated/measured?
The benchmark for measuring the available data volume of 500 MB is 1 kByte.
Is both uplink and downlink data deducted?
The included data volume is measured and deducted with an accuracy of 1 kByte. Both overhead data resulting from the use of the respective protocols, such as UDP or TCP, and the actual payload are included in our calculations. All transport data between the device/modem and applications is deducted. This includes both uplink and downlink data packages.
Is transport-related data (overhead data) also deducted?
The included data volume is measured and deducted with an accuracy of 1 kByte. Both overhead data resulting from the use of the respective protocols, such as UDP or TCP, and the actual payload are included in our calculations. All transport data between the device/modem and applications is deducted. This includes both uplink and downlink data packages.
I received an invoice via email. Why can it not be opened?
The invoice is provided as a PDF file and a programme is required to be able to read this format. ( https://get.adobe.com/uk/reader )
Alternatively log in to the 1NCE Customer Portal and go to the orders tab to download the invoice.
What can I do when my VAT-ID is invalid?
Within the check-out 1NCE customers are asked for a VAT-ID, which usually comprises of a country code (e.g. GB or AT) and a 8 to 10 digit number. The order process can only be finished if

The VAT-ID has been entered with a correct format or

The customer has said he has no VAT-ID.

ad 1) After the VAT-ID has been entered with a correct format the number will be validated automatically via a database check. If the result of this check is positive, we will create an invoice without VAT-ID (reverse charge). If the check is negative, we include the VAT on the invoice. Of course, customers can hand in the correct VAT-ID afterwards, so that the reverse charge procedure is active for reorders. The VAT-ID can be handed in afterwards via our service ticket system or via telephone hotline which are both accessible in the customer portal.
ad 2) Business customers without VAT-ID always get an invoice with issued VAT.
What do I do if my order has not been delivered?
An order will be delivered after a full Payment. You will receive a shipping number after the order has been paid and dispatched. If you have not received a shipping number please contact the 1NCE Customer Support team.
What kind of data plans are available from 1NCE?
1NCE only offers one data plan – the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat . There are no other plans available.
Why does the invoice contain incorrect information?
The data shown on the invoice correspond to the data stored on the Customer Portal. Therefore it is imperative that you verify your data stored there and updates as necessary.
Why have I not been given a confirmation or invoice after placing an order?
If neither an invoice nor a confirmation has been received, you can check whether the order has actually been accepted. If the order is visible in your account, verify the email address and correct if necessary. You can then download the invoice from the 1NCE Customer Portal .
Why is it necessary to pay for an order in advance?
1NCE only offers a prepaid service. With the prepaid system, you have 14 days to transfer his invoice or to pay directly by credit card upon completion of the order.
1NCE Shop

Buy the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat now

Visit the 1NCE Shop and start connecting your IoT devices easily. Simply order your SIM cards, choose the desired type of SIM card and fill out all required forms. After the payment has been approved you get your cards within five to seven business days.