Existem diversas estratégias para aumentar a vida útil da bateria em redes celulares, sendo o PSM e o eDRX apenas duas delas. Em nossa série de artigos, exploraremos detalhadamente como os desenvolvedores podem maximizar o tempo de operação de seus dispositivos e os desafios que podem encontrar no caminho.

Os clientes de serviços públicos da 1NCE representam 20% de toda a base, com projetos em 37 países, impulsionando inovações em medição inteligente e soluções de energia sustentável.

A infraestrutura detém uma forte participação de 8% no portfólio dos clientes da 1NCE, otimizando o monitoramento da infraestrutura global com a IoT.

13% dos consumidores da 1NCE atuam no setor de transporte e logística, incluindo rastreamento de ativos, monitoramento de aluguel de equipamentos, telemetria de veículos comerciais, monitoramento da cadeia de frio, monitoramento remoto de alimentos e bebidas, entre outras soluções.

Dos 23.000 clientes que a 1NCE atende hoje, mais de 16% são do setor automotivo, estando localizados em 137 países.

9% dos clientes da 1NCE executam casos de uso de automação industrial, como monitoramento da cadeia de suprimentos e de frio, manutenção preditiva, diagnóstico remoto, automação predial e muito mais.

Atualmente, prestamos assistência a mais de 1.200 clientes envolvidos em controle de pragas, monitoramento de colheitas, irrigação inteligente, análise de colônias de abelhas e outros cenários, constituindo 7% da base de clientes da 1NCE.

As cidades inteligentes são um dos principais setores de crescimento da IoT, com mais de 1.000 clientes no portfólio da 1NCE, incluindo iluminação pública, gerenciamento de resíduos, estacionamento inteligente e outros casos de uso.

Mais de 250 de nossos clientes implementaram suas soluções de monitoramento remoto, gerenciamento de ambiente clínico, distribuição de medicamentos, rastreamento de ativos de saúde e outras soluções em mais de 87 países.

A IoT para consumidores abrange diversos casos de uso, principalmente relacionados a dispositivos vestíveis, rastreamento de ativos de consumo, robótica de serviços e eletrodomésticos, com destaque nos EUA, Reino Unido, Alemanha, Itália, Coreia do Sul, Japão e China.

A 1NCE é a escolha preferida para terminais de ponto de venda, etiquetagem eletrônica de prateleiras e máquinas de dobra no setor de varejo, abrangendo regiões como EUA, Reino Unido, União Europeia, Coreia do Sul, Japão e China, com implementações típicas variando de 1.000 a 10.000 dispositivos.

Envolve o monitoramento e a manutenção remotos de equipamentos e máquinas, utilizando dados e conectividade.

Uso de dados e análises para prever quando equipamentos ou máquinas industriais necessitam de manutenção.

Abrange o monitoramento e a otimização dos processos envolvidos na produção e distribuição de bens.

Monitoramento e gerenciamento de diversos ativos, incluindo estradas, tubulações e infraestrutura crítica, para manutenção e segurança.

Controle automatizado de sistemas elétricos e mecânicos em edifícios para melhorar a eficiência energética e o conforto dos ocupantes.

Etiquetas eletrônicas de preços para informações sobre os produtos.

Dispositivos para processar transações no varejo.

Máquinas automatizadas para a venda de mercadorias

Monitoramento e gerenciamento de culturas e condições do solo.

Envolve os sistemas de iluminação gerenciados remotamente dentro de edifícios comerciais e residenciais, incluindo iluminação pública.

Os sensores de resíduos oferecem um meio eficiente de monitorar e otimizar a coleta de resíduos, permitindo uma alocação mais eficaz de recursos no gerenciamento de resíduos.

A medição inteligente ocupa uma posição significativa entre os casos de uso de serviços públicos, principalmente porque aborda os principais desafios do setor de serviços públicos e se alinha a tendências tecnológicas mais amplas, como gerenciamento de energia e eficiência de custos.

NB-IoT vs. LTE-M: Pontos fortes e áreas de aplicação de cada tecnologia - Descubra qual é a mais adequada para seu projeto.

Gerenciamento avançado de redes de distribuição de eletricidade, gás e água, integrando medidores inteligentes e soluções de armazenamento de energia.

Monitoram o consumo de gás para faturamento preciso e segurança.

Fornecem dados em tempo real para conservação de água e detecção de vazamentos.

Rastreiam o uso de eletricidade para faturamento e conservação.

Relaciona-se ao monitoramento remoto de vagas de estacionamento para fornecer aos usuários e proprietários informações sobre ocupação e disponibilidade.

Serviços relacionados ao compartilhamento de veículos ou bicicletas, geralmente facilitados por meio de tecnologia conectada para rastreamento e gerenciamento eficientes.

Monitorar a operação e a saúde de um veículo, coletando dados sobre o desempenho e a condição para identificar necessidades e problemas de manutenção.

Calcular prêmios com base no uso do veículo e no comportamento ao dirigir. As seguradoras coletam dados por meio de dispositivos telemáticos para oferecer taxas de seguro personalizadas.

Um sistema versátil com aplicações em gerenciamento de frota, seguro baseado em uso, entretenimento, recuperação de veículos roubados e navegação. Permite que os veículos se conectem e se comuniquem por meio de conectividade pós-venda e de fábrica para várias finalidades.

Sistemas de irrigação eficientes e orientados por dados para o gerenciamento de recursos hídricos na agricultura.

Práticas agrícolas precisas e otimizadas, incluindo o gerenciamento de recursos.

Abrange a supervisão de uma variedade de ativos, incluindo gado, equipamentos comerciais de ginástica, equipamentos de ambulância e máquinas de jogos.

Envolve o monitoramento e o controle de frotas de veículos para fins como logística, seguro com base no uso, serviços de entretenimento, recuperação de veículos roubados e navegação facilitada por meio de soluções de conectividade pós-venda e de fábrica.

Rastreamento remoto contínuo da saúde do paciente fora do ambiente clínico.

Distribuição inteligente de medicamentos com rastreamento de dados.

Monitoramento contínuo de pacientes em um ambiente clínico.

O mercado de robótica de serviços está evoluindo rapidamente, com os robôs encontrando aplicações nos setores de consumo e profissional. Ele apresenta um potencial de mercado substancial, abrangendo desde robôs de atendimento ao cliente e robôs de serviço de alimentação até robôs de telepresença e cirúrgicos.

Segundo a Berg Insight, o potencial de mercado para o rastreamento de ativos de consumidores é substancial. Na Europa e na América do Norte, há um número significativo de potenciais usuários, incluindo 70 milhões de crianças de 4 a 10 anos (uma faixa etária típica para relógios GPS infantis), 350 milhões de cães e gatos, 500 milhões de carros de passeio e 135 milhões de outros veículos de consumo.

De acordo com a Berg Insight, até o final de 2023, as remessas anuais de wearables conectados deverão atingir 239 milhões de unidades. Atualmente, os rastreadores de atividade vestíveis e os dispositivos de condicionamento físico conectados dominam o mercado, com preços decrescentes e recursos expandidos que devem levar as remessas a 88,9 milhões de unidades em 2023.

O gerenciamento de inventário orientado pela IoT apresenta uma alternativa econômica e superior, oferecendo maior eficiência, precisão e pontualidade em comparação com as abordagens tradicionais.

O rápido crescimento dos pontos de carregamento de veículos elétricos conectados à IoT foi confirmado por importantes empresas de pesquisa, como Gartner, Berg Insight e Counterpoint. A maioria dos principais participantes do setor de EV na Europa, América do Norte e China, como discutido neste artigo, migrou ou começou a integrar tecnologias de IoT devido aos seus crescentes benefícios.

Qualquer pessoa que fale sobre IoT e rádio móvel celular é confrontada com uma infinidade de termos, especialmente em relação aos diferentes padrões. Aqui está a nossa visão geral dos padrões de rádio móvel do passado, do presente e do futuro.

A conexão de aplicativos M2M com SIM cards não é realmente um fenômeno novo. A chamada comunicação máquina a máquina é frequentemente associada à Internet das Coisas, ou seja, à IoT. Mas qual é a diferença entre os dois termos, M2M e IoT? Como funciona o chip M2M? São necessários diferentes SIM cards para soluções M2M e para aplicativos IoT?

A Internet das Coisas facilitou drasticamente a vida dos seres humanos, criando um vasto ecossistema IoT de dispositivos controlados remotamente. Ao mesmo tempo, o progresso não para e espera-se que o mercado global de IoT cresça para 24,1 bilhões de dispositivos em 2030, gerando US$ 1,5 trilhão em receita anual.

Os provedores de rede dedicam muitas horas e tecnologia para garantir que todos os dispositivos conectados à Internet das Coisas estejam sempre disponíveis de forma confiável. No entanto, tanto os desenvolvedores de IoT quanto os usuários finais dispõem de ferramentas adicionais para otimizar seus dispositivos e plataformas, assegurando um funcionamento confiável com as redes de comunicação.

As operadoras de telefonia móvel estão desativando redes antigas para dar lugar a novas tecnologias. Embora os consumidores geralmente não sintam muito o impacto dessa mudança tecnológica, isso pode afetar significativamente as instalações de IoT. O que você pode fazer para evitar a desconexão repentina de seus dispositivos?

MQTT, CoAP e LwM2M desempenham um papel crucial no consumo de energia de dispositivos IoT, determinado pelo volume de dados transmitidos em cada comunicação. Protocolos que minimizam a quantidade de dados podem significativamente reduzir o tempo de atividade do dispositivo e o consumo de energia, tornando a escolha do protocolo de comunicação adequado crucial para economizar energia.

Este artigo é o primeiro de três sobre a conectividade IoT e a escolha de padrões. Queremos enfatizar os padrões de tecnologia de rádio licenciados e não licenciados e investigar alguns padrões de comunicação comuns para os diferentes casos de uso de LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) para que você entenda melhor o que deve buscar, dependendo do projeto que estiver desenvolvendo.

AWS IoT Device Management, as part of Amazon Web Services (AWS), plays a vital role in facilitating robust IoT device management strategies. It stands as one of AWS's services, offering customers the capability to securely enroll, organize, monitor, and remotely administer IoT devices at a large scale.

Analog Devices (ADI) is a multinational semiconductor company specializing in analog and digital signal processing technology. Analog Devices IoT boards often feature a variety of sensors, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, temperature sensors, and environmental sensors.

According to Statista, the worldwide market for intelligent waste disposal management was valued at approximately $2 billion in 2022. It was projected to experience a consistent annual growth rate (CAGR) of 14.98% until the close of the decade, with the aim of reaching $6.2 billion by 2030. Incorporating IoT into industrial waste disposal management transforms traditional practices. By integrating sensors, IoT connectivity options that enable remote control, and data analytics, it's possible to adopt more sustainable waste practices globally. 

Smart metering, empowered by IoT connectivity, helps to control energy, water, and gas consumption levels with real-time data transmission capabilities. According to the Transforma Insights IoT Forecast Database, global annual shipments in 2021 were comparable, with gas seeing 36.4 million and water 37.5 million. Smart electricity meters take 69% of all utility meters deployed today and their shipments were 145 million, 175 million, and 174 million respectively in 2021, 2022 and 2032. With the growing demand for smart metering devices, the need for uninterrupted IoT connectivity has also grown to solve the problems discussed below. 

According to Berg Insight, the number of active in-field monitoring and control devices that can be applied to Pest Control is anticipated to reach 1.7 million units by 2025. Smart Pest Control solutions using IoT connectivity are emerging as a game-changer, offering precision, sustainability, and enhanced crop protection.

Learn more Berg Insight research (berginsight.com) 

In the year 2021, the global smart hospitality sector generated around 19 billion U.S. dollars in revenue. IoT-enabled smart hotel ecosystems, including devices, connectivity hardware, and software fuel its potential growth that may reach 133.7 billion U.S. dollars by the year 2031, with a remarkable compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 22 percent. Learn more Global smart hospitality market size 2021 | Statista 

With the growth of global population and the need for sustainable agriculture, IoT connectivity is being used more often to optimize work processes, improve crop yields, reduce resource consumption, and ensure food security for future generations. Let's explore the key hardware employed in the realm of smart farming and their various practical applications.

Smart Buildings, powered with IoT connectivity, have emerged as intelligent ecosystems where data-driven automation, analytics, and real-time insights change the way we interact with built environments. With IoT interconnected systems it is possible to enhance comfort, security, and resource management, while also reducing environmental impact. From intelligent lighting and climate control to predictive maintenance and occupancy analytics, the possibilities of IoT in Smart Buildings are gradually changing urban living and commercial spaces.

On December 21, 2021, Berg Insight reported that Europe and North America had a combined 49 million monitored alarm systems by the end of 2020. In Europe, this number is expected to grow to 20.4 million by 2025 at a 4.0 percent CAGR, while North America is projected to reach 36.4 million systems by 2025 with a 2.4 percent CAGR. Traditional alarm systems often lack real-time data capabilities and intelligent responses, resulting in limited effectiveness. However, with IoT technology, organizations are changing the way they protect their assets and respond to security threats. Learn more about alarm and security systems powered with IoT with Berg Insight.

The increasing demand for efficient transportation solutions leads to constant urban evolution. In 2021, the smart parking sensor technology market recorded figures of 957,000 units. Smart parking enabling IoT connectivity addresses issues of congestion, pollution, and the frustration of finding parking spaces in busy cities. Let's go through how IoT devices and technology change the parking experience for both drivers and city planners. 

The integration of the Internet of Things (IoT) into healthcare helps to receive real-time data and support remote monitoring capabilities, which hence improve patient outcomes, and reduce healthcare costs. IoT connectivity, in particular wireless cellular connectivity and LPWA technologies, are widely adopted as they can function in wireless, mobile, and hard-to-reach environments. 

IDC's projections for 2023 indicate a modest 2.2% increase in smart home device shipments, with this growth trend anticipated to extend through 2027, culminating in a total of 1.23 billion devices by then. The segments like security cameras, connected doorbells, door locks, and smart displays are poised for growth, driven by an expanding user base, global economic recovery, and the development of emerging markets. The advent of IoT (Internet of Things) technology is reshaping the way we interact with and optimize our living spaces. Explore more about how conventional households turn into smart homes, delivering enhanced convenience, energy efficiency, and better security features. Learn more about Smart Home and IoT trends in the IDC report

According to industry reports, approximately 48 percent of surveyed decision-makers utilize the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) for both supply chain management and industrial asset management. Asset management systems often lack real-time visibility, leading to inefficiencies and increased operational costs.
PTCRB (PCS Type Certification Review Board) is a certification program that ensures the compatibility of wireless devices with North American cellular networks. Managed by the Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA), PTCRB certification is a crucial requirement for manufacturers looking to market their cellular products in North America. 
APN, which is a short form for Access Point Name, is a gateway that enables devices such as smartphones and tablets access the internet or connect to private networks via cellular networks. It simplifies data transfer and communication between the device and network, determines the type of network access and provides security measures. 

Symantec's IoT security solutions revolve around proactive, adaptive, and technically strong measures to improve the security within IoT environments via device protection mechanisms, data encryption, identity and access management, and anomaly detection algorithms.

Armis Centrix stands as a cybersecurity solution for oversight, protection, management, and optimization of Operational Technology (OT), Internet of Things (IoT), and Industrial Control Systems (ICS) assets, systems, and processes within diverse environments.

STMicroelectronics is a global semiconductor manufacturer known for its sensor technologies, with origins dating back to the merger of SGS Microelettronica and Thomson Semiconducteurs in 1987. They offer a wide range of sensors, specializing in IoT applications. 

NXP Semiconductors, headquartered in Eindhoven, Netherlands, is a global semiconductor leader renowned for its IoT sensors and connectivity solutions. Originally part of Philips Electronics, it became independent in 2006. NXP specializes in microcontrollers, IoT sensors, and connectivity chips, offering comprehensive solutions for IoT applications. Their services include software development tools, system integration support, and technical assistance. 

Analog Devices (ADI), headquartered in Norwood, Massachusetts, is a global leader in the IoT sensors manufacturing. ADI specializes in advanced sensor technologies, offering precision measurement sensors, temperature sensors, accelerometers, and inertial measurement units (IMUs).

u-blox, headquartered in Thalwil, Switzerland, is a leading IoT module manufacturer providing diverse IoT modules, such as cellular, LPWA (Low-Power Wide-Area), and GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) modules as well as connectivity services supporting 4G/LTE, 5G, NB-IoT and LTE-M. 
Telit is a global provider of IoT modules, including cellular, LPWA, and GNSS modules,. Beyond hardware, Telit offers connectivity services for various networks, including 4G/LTE, 5G, and LPWA technologies.
SIMCom Wireless Solutions is a leading Chinese IoT module manufacturer offering cellular and LPWA modules as well as connectivity and IoT software solutions.  
Sierra Wireless is a Canadian based IoT solutions leader which provides IoT modules, connectivity services, and cloud-based management platforms. 
Thales, headquartered in France, is a global technology company known for its expertise in aerospace, defense, and security solutions. They offer a diverse range of services and products, including IoT modules for device connectivity, cybersecurity solutions, aerospace and defense technology, transportation systems enhancements, and digital identity management.
TAC (Type Allocation Code) is an 8-digit code at the beginning of IMEI number that identifies cellular devices, including its manufacturer, model number, and regulatory approval. 

A convergência de TI/OT é o processo de fusão da Tecnologia da Informação (TI) e da Tecnologia Operacional (TO) em uma organização para criar um ambiente contínuo e integrado. Ela usa dados em tempo real, automação e análise para alcançar a eficiência e a tomada de decisões em diferentes setores verticais, como manufatura, transporte, saúde e outros.

Intel NUC, a pioneer in IoT edge computing from the United States, specializes in providing compact yet powerful edge computing hardware. Their NUC series encompasses edge servers equipped with Intel processors, offering high-performance computing for real-time analytics and local data processing. The devices include embedded systems that facilitate on-device processing and seamless integration into edge environments. 

Hailing from Taiwan, Advantech Edge Intelligence Servers provide edge computing hardware tailored for industrial applications. These servers offer gateways, connecting various industrial sensors and devices.
In the realm of IoT, the US-based Intel offers a wide range of specialized chipsets and solutions designed to power and connect the Internet of Things devices and applications. 
MediaTek is a Taiwan-based semiconductor company that specializes in the development of a wide array of chipsets, including those for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. 
Qualcomm, the US leading semiconductor and wireless technology company, offers a diverse range of chipsets and platforms tailored for Internet of Things (IoT) applications, applied within different verticals. 

Cisco Systems, commonly known as Cisco, is a multinational technology company headquartered in San Jose, California, USA. The company specializes in a wide range of products and services, including networking hardware, software, and services for businesses, service providers, and government organizations. Among its products are IoT gateways, which facilitate seamless connectivity, data aggregation, and secure communication for IoT devices and sensors across various industries and applications.

Dell Technologies is a multinational company, based in the US, with a broad manufacturing portfolio. Beyond computers, laptops, and servers, Dell is a manufacturer of IoT gateways.

Based in Sydney, Australia, NetComm has been a leading innovator in the field of telecommunications and connectivity since its founding in 1982. NetComm's product range includes a diverse selection of networking hardware, software, and services, with a notable specialization in IoT (Internet of Things) gateways.

Telit Communications is an international company specializing in providing wireless communication modems and services for the Internet of Things (IoT).

Teltonika is a leading provider of IoT modules, devices, and solutions originating from Lithuania, offering a diverse range designed for various applications.

Cisco Edge Software Solutions are represented by two basic tools - Edge Device Manager and Edge Intelligence, which enhance connectivity, ensure security, and foster efficient data management at the edge.

Bosch Mobility Solutions centers its software approach on transforming vehicles into digital platforms, continuously collecting, storing, and utilizing data to improve services and functionalities. This software-centric strategy enables vehicles to evolve dynamically throughout their lifecycle, offering continuous updates and improvements.

AWS IoT Analytics is one of AWS solutions for analysis of data originating from IoT devices. The platform excels in real-time data collection, agile processing through Lambda functions, purpose-built time-series storage, and advanced analytics with ad-hoc SQL queries and hosted Jupyter Notebooks. Applications span predictive maintenance, proactive replenishing, process efficiency scoring, and smart agriculture. 

Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides solutions for IoT analytics mostly via Google Cloud IoT Core suite for scalable and efficient analytics capabilities for handling IoT data.

Azure Stream Analytics is a managed cloud-based stream processing engine by Microsoft Azure, which operates as a Platform as a Service (PaaS) without the need for users to manage underlying hardware or infrastructure. This service is designed for the analysis and processing of large volumes of streaming data with sub-millisecond latencies.

Raspberry Pi is a brand of single-board computers (SBCs) developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation, a UK-based charity. Raspberry Pi boards are widely used in IoT (Internet of Things) applications due to their small size, low power consumption, and versatility.
NVIDIA, renowned for its graphics processing units (GPUs), has expanded its portfolio to include IoT boards under the Jetson brand. These boards use powerful GPUs and specialized hardware for accelerated computing, making them ideal for edge AI and computer vision applications. 
Cisco's Industrial Compute Gateway, originating from the United States, is a secure solution for industrial IoT edge computing. Equipped with robust security protocols, these gateways ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data processed at the edge.
Satellite IoT refers to a specialized communication ecosystem that uses satellites orbiting the Earth to connect and exchange data with IoT devices. LEO or Low-Earth orbit is the most popular satellite network used for communication due to its high bandwidth and low latency. 
LTE-M, short for Long Term Evolution Machine Type Communication, is a specialized 4G cellular network designed specifically for the Internet of Things (IoT). It offers two main versions: Cat-M1 and Cat-M2. 

LTE Cat-M2, which is an upgrade of LTE Cat-M1, is the LPWA cellular technology, launched to enhance IoT connectivity. It provides an enhanced IoT connectivity solution with significantly improved bandwidth, download and upload speeds, and other notable advantages.  

Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWANs) are a specialized category of wireless networks designed to cater specifically to the requirements of Internet of Things (IoT) devices.

A tecnologia OTA desempenha um papel fundamental ao possibilitar o gerenciamento, a configuração e as atualizações remotas dos dispositivos, permitindo que eles recebam perfeitamente novos softwares, firmwares ou configurações por meio de uma rede.

Multiple International Mobile Subscriber Identities significa multi-IMSI, que é uma forma relativamente nova de armazenar vários IMSIs em um cartão SIM. Usando vários IMSIs, um dispositivo pode se conectar a mais de uma operadora, se necessário.

IoT SIM cards comprise multiple data including the IMSI or International Mobile Subscriber Identity which works as a unique identifier for mobile subscribers. It is comprised of three distinct digit parts: Mobile Country Code (MCC) shows the primary operating country of the subscriber and is represented by 2-3 digits.

ICCID stands for Integrated Circuit Card Identification and enables Mobile Network Operators (MNOs) to set up the appropriate network connection for the subscribers. Each SIM card possesses a unique ICCID, which is also called a SIM card number. The ICCID comprises a sequence of 18 to 22 digits, delineated into four distinct sets of numbers.
A soft SIM, also referred to as a "virtual SIM," is a software-based Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) that eliminates the need for using SIM hardware. It is usually represented not by a physical SIM, but rather stored in the device memory and processor or modem.  

USSD (Unstructured Supplementary Service Data) is a communication protocol that enables the transmission of small data packages without the need for a data connection or incurring SMS costs. It is commonly used for sending concise requests and commands, with a maximum limit of 182 characters (16 bits of data).

The Transmission Control Protocol or TCP was developed to enable reliable end-to-end data delivery within applications and has become a dominant transport-layer protocol on the Internet. TCP implies accurate data delivery without errors, in the right order, and with minimal or zero duplication or loss.
IoT safety implies security and protection of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and applications from potential threats and vulnerabilities. The interconnected nature of IoT devices makes them susceptible to various risks, ranging from unauthorized access to data breaches and even physical harm.  
UDP denotes User Datagram Protocol and is a communication protocol that enables the transmission of data between devices within an IP network. Unlike TCP (Transmission Control Protocol), which provides connection-oriented communication, UDP is a connectionless protocol which implies low latency and efficiency. 
MNO stands for Mobile Network Operator. It refers to a company or organization that provides mobile communication services to customers by operating a wireless network infrastructure.
UMTS or Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service known as the 3G mobile technology, the third iteration of GSM.

HLR is a central database that serves as a reference point for storing and retrieving essential subscriber parameters. It holds critical information associated with mobile subscribers, including their unique subscriber IDs, current locations, authentication keys, and other relevant data.

Application-to-Person messaging or A2P SMS implies transferring of text messages from an application or software to an individual. It enables delivery of transactional alerts, marketing messages, authentication codes, and notifications. 
5G is the 5th generation of wireless communication technology, which represents a leap forward in terms of speed, capacity, and latency. 5G wireless technology aims to provide faster peak data speeds reaching multi-Gbps levels, significantly reduced latency, enhanced reliability, extensive network capacity, improved availability, and a more consistent user experience for a larger user base.   
4G technology is the 4th generation of cellular networks that offers faster data rates, lower latency, and more effective use of the adio frequencies. There are two major branches of 4G - LTE (Long Term Evolution) and WiMax. 
2G, short for the second generation, refers to the second iteration of wireless communication technology. It succeeded the initial 1G technology, introducing advancements in mobile communication.

The Mobile Switching Center (MSC) is a core part of the GSM/CDMA network that serves as a control center within the Network Switching Subsystem (NSS). 

Internet breakout in IoT is the moment when data from IoT devices leaves their private network and enters the public internet. It's like a gateway that allows IoT devices to connect with cloud services, communicate, and access online resources. This enables seamless sharing of information and unleashes the full potential of IoT on a global scale.

OpenVPN is an open-source virtual private network (VPN) protocol that utilizes SSL/TLS encryption to create secure and encrypted tunnels for data transmission. It operates across various operating systems like Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS. 

O AWS IoT Core é um serviço de nuvem gerenciado fornecido pela Amazon Web Services (AWS) que oferece um conjunto de recursos para gerenciamento de dispositivos IoT, processamento de dados e comunicação entre dispositivos e aplicativos de nuvem.

Azure IoT Edge as a part of Azure IoT Hub, a device-focused runtime provided by Microsoft that improves the deployment, execution, and monitoring of containerized Linux workloads. This runtime allows businesses to use cloud analytics closer to their devices, enabling better insights and offline decision-making. With Azure IoT Edge, you can run analytics at the edge, respond quickly to emergencies, and optimize data transfer to the cloud.

AWS IoT Greengrass is a cloud service and open-source edge runtime for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. It enables creation of intelligent device software, offering local processing, messaging, data management, and machine learning inference. It includes pre-built components to expedite application development.

The Oracle Retail Suite is a specialized software solution catering to the Retail vertical. It provides retailers with specific tools to manage inventory, improve customer experiences and operations through the integration of IoT technologies.

Honeywell Forge is a specialized software solution designed for verticals such as Building Management and Industrial applications. This technical powerhouse serves as a unified platform, using IoT technologies to enhance operational efficiency, optimize resource utilization, and ensure a secure and connected environment within these specific verticals.

The data storage and analytics market has witnessed a transformative journey, evolving from the structured confines of data warehousing to the considerable, uncharted territories of data lakes. With the evolution of records storage and control, a unique concept emerged, bridging the distance between data lakes and data warehouses – the "data lakehouse."

IoT technology, with a particular focus on connectivity, is emerging as a powerful catalyst for sustainability transformation. Research conducted by Gartner, Transforma Insights, Berg Insight, and the US Department of Energy highlights its versatile contributions to environmental conservation. These contributions range from reduced CO2 emissions to water conservation achieved through remote management and analysis.

Thales IoT SAFE is an interoperable IoT security service designed for the deployment of IoT applications. Operated as a plug-and-play Software as a Service (SaaS), it implies minimal integration efforts and automated cloud data security environment for SIM-equipped IoT devices. In collaboration with TELUS, a leading Canadian mobile network operator, and the Canadian Internet Registration Authority (CIRA), Thales provides SIMs and the IoT server, adhering to the "GSMA IoT SAFE" specifications.

Azure IoT Hub is a cloud-based managed service that is a central messaging hub for communication between an IoT application and the devices. It supports diverse messaging patterns such as device-to-cloud telemetry, file uploads, and request-reply methods for IoT device control.

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