How Does Internet Breakout Work?

Internet breakout in IoT is the moment when data from IoT devices leaves their private network and enters the public internet. It's like a gateway that allows IoT devices to connect with cloud services, communicate, and access online resources. This enables seamless sharing of information and unleashes the full potential of IoT on a global scale. 

How Internet Breakout Works 

  • Stage 1: Data is generated by IoT devices through Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, or cellular connectivity within a private network. 

  • Stage 2: The data reaches the internet gateway, which can be a Wi-Fi router, an IoT gateway, or a cellular operator's network. 

  • Stage 3: In cellular networks, the data leaves the operator's network at the internet breakout point, where it undergoes encapsulation, encryption, and routing to enter the public internet. 

  • Stage 4: For Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks, the internet breakout happens directly at the device location. 

  • Stage 5: The data travels through the global internet infrastructure, utilizing ISPs and data centers. 

  • Stage 6: Cloud-based platforms hosted in data centers worldwide receive, process, and analyze the IoT data, providing real-time insights and storage. 

  • Stage 7: To ensure security, data encryption and authentication mechanisms are employed during data transmission. 

  • Stage 8: Edge computing may be utilized for data processing closer to IoT devices, reducing latency and optimizing bandwidth usage. 

Internet Breakout Models: Centralized vs Decentralized 

  • Centralized Internet Breakout Model: The centralized internet breakout model involves channeling all data generated by IoT devices through a single central point before accessing the public internet. This central point, often a data center or network operator's gateway, provides streamlined management and security control. However, it may lead to potential bottlenecks, increased latency, and scalability challenges, especially for IoT deployments spread across multiple regions. 

  • Decentralized Internet Breakout Model: Contrarily, the decentralized internet breakout model empowers IoT data to travel directly from devices to the public internet without intermediaries. Data is routed through the nearest internet access point or cloud service provider's data center based on the device's location. This approach optimizes data flow, reduces latency, and enhances overall performance, making it ideal for globally distributed IoT solutions with diverse geographical locations. 


Centralized Internet Breakout Model 

Decentralized Internet Breakout Model 

Data Routing 

All data funneled through a central point 

Direct data transmission to nearest access point 


Potential higher latency due to centralization 

Lowers latency with shortest data transmission 


Possible bottlenecks impacting performance 

Optimized data flow enhances overall efficiency 


Scalability challenges with growing data volume 

Scalable, routing data based on device location 

Data Privacy 

Privacy concerns with central point of control 

Data sent directly to cloud service provider 


Centralized control may bolster security 

Requires robust security at multiple access points 


Lower initial setup costs with centralized infrastructure 

Possible higher costs with multiple access points 

Global Deployments 

Challenges in globally distributed deployments 

Ideal for global IoT solutions with diverse locations 

Edge Computing Integration 

Limits benefits of edge computing 

Facilitates effective edge computing implementation 

Data Exchange Strategies in Internet Breakout 

Two key strategies are employed for efficient data exchange: 

  • Local Internet Breakout: By using local Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and access points close to end users, data exchange between devices becomes significantly faster. This approach enhances performance for IoT devices within a single country or locality. 

  • Regional Internet Breakout: Routing data through major cloud service providers' regional data centers, such as Amazon AWS or Microsoft Azure, allows dynamic selection of the closest breakout region based on the device's location. This ensures low-latency connectivity and a seamless user experience. 

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