1NCE Products FAQ

Our 1NCE offers are simple and straightforward. However, questions can certainly arise here and there. Therefore we have already compiled a list of your possible questions in order to provide you with an answer as quickly as possible. If you couldn’t find the answers to your questions in our FAQ, feel free to contact us via our contact form and one of our 1NCE staff will respond to your request as soon as possible.

How can we help?

What happens after the 10 years contract?
Before the expiry of the 10-year activation period, you will be informed by 1NCE by e-mail, three and one months beforehand.

After the end of the activation period, you have 18 months to extend your SIM cards. During this transition period, the SIM cards are not usable, but you can extend them at any time. After 18 months, the SIM cards will be irrevocably deleted
Is it possible to set multiple users in the Customer Portal for administrating the 1NCE SIM Cards?
Yes, you can create multiple user accounts on the 1NCE Customer Portal and to set different user roles and rights. Under the tab “User” on the 1NCE Customer Portal the initial owner of the account can create and edit new user accounts. The following roles are available on the Customer Portal:
-Owner: This is the initial user and cannot be changed . This role can use every function and administrate “Admins” and “Users”. The role of “Owner” can also be assigned to a newly added user.
– Admin: This role has all access (including API access) and can administrate the account as well as create and delete users.
– User: This role can see all details on the Customer Portal and administrate SIM Cards, but cannot initiate new orders or Top-Ups, therefore this role does not have any rights to purchase or recharge.
– API User: This role is designed for the usage of the 1NCE REST API available via the 1NCE-API webpage or from applications directly via HTTPs and defines the API client credentials for programmatic access. To use the API the individual OAuth2 client_id and client_credentials are required.
For creating a new user account, the following information is required: First and last name, e-mail address (is used as login) and desired role.
API Users have the account number as a prefix in front of specified client_credential.
After creating a new user an e-mail is sent to the new mail address requesting to set an initial new password for the 1NCE Customer Portal (API User is an exception as the client_secret needs to be specified while setting up new user).
Where is the1NCE Connectivity Management Platform (CMP)?
The Connectivity Management Platform is an integral part of the customer portal. With the Dashboard you can review all relevant information regarding their SIM cards. In addition the Connectivity Management Platform offers a detailed management down to a single SIM card as well as several functions regarding configuration of VPN, SMS or API.
How can I cancel my contract?
Send a termination letter in writing with a signature to 1NCE in order to terminate your contract.
How can I ensure that the top-up data volume is immediately available?
For payments up to EUR 5,000.00, we recommend the use of a credit card. Payment is received immediately and the data volume is activated within 60 minutes. Due to security reasons, payments in excess of EUR 5,000.00 can only be made via bank transfer.
How can I log in if I know neither the email address nor password, or if the email address is invalid?
In the event that you need to log in to the 1NCE customer portal as a customer, but you do not know the e-mail address or password, 1NCE Customer Support team can help. They can then verify the required documents.
How can I send more than the text messages that are included in the price?
You can order further text messages separately on the 1NCE Customer Portal as a top-up.
How do I block my account if a third party has illegally gained access to the 1NCE Customer Portal?
In order to renew the login to the account, change your password or contact our Customer Support team to provide the required documents to 1NCE for verification.
How do I get hold of an invoice copy?
In order to create a copy of the invoice, log in to the 1NCE Customer Portal , go to the tab "Orders" and download the required invoice.
I received an invoice via email. Why can it not be opened?
The invoice is provided as a PDF file and a programme is required to be able to read this format. ( https://get.adobe.com/uk/reader )
Alternatively log in to the 1NCE Customer Portal and go to the orders tab to download the invoice.
What to do if not receiving the email with a new login link?
First, check your spam folder. If you still have not received an email, please contact Customer Support team to verify the given email address.
What can I do if a SIM card is deactivated because the allowed volume limit has been reached?
Additional volume can be ordered via the 1NCE Customer Portal.
What can I do when my VAT-ID is invalid?
Within the check-out 1NCE customers are asked for a VAT-ID, which usually comprises of a country code (e.g. GB or AT) and a 8 to 10 digit number. The order process can only be finished if

The VAT-ID has been entered with a correct format or

The customer has said he has no VAT-ID.

ad 1) After the VAT-ID has been entered with a correct format the number will be validated automatically via a database check. If the result of this check is positive, we will create an invoice without VAT-ID (reverse charge). If the check is negative, we include the VAT on the invoice. Of course, customers can hand in the correct VAT-ID afterwards, so that the reverse charge procedure is active for reorders. The VAT-ID can be handed in afterwards via our service ticket system or via telephone hotline which are both accessible in the customer portal.
ad 2) Business customers without VAT-ID always get an invoice with issued VAT.
What do I do if a SIM card goes missing?
Please inform the Customer Support team immediately if you have lost a SIM card.
What do I do if I have clicked on “Forgotten password” but the “Reset password” link in the email does not work?
To reset the password again, please use the “Forgot password” link once more. A link will be sent to the email address stored in your account. This link is only valid for a limited amount of time.
What happens if I don't have a VAT-ID
The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat is a B2B offering only. In order to allow for the reverse charge payment 1NCE requires a valid VAT-ID in order to check if you are a registered business customer. Only if we have a valid VAT-ID we can create an invoice without VAT (reverse charge) for business customers in EU-27 countries (excl. Germany).
Therefore business customers can state within the check-out that they do not have a VAT-ID. For these business customers in EU-27 countries we will then need to add VAT on the invoice.
Note: German business customers will always have VAT included on the invoice.
Where can I select the SIM card format (2FF, 3FF, 4FF)?
The 1NCE SIM cards are sent as 4 in 1 chip cards, therefore a special selection is not necessary. The required format can simply be broken out of the pre-punched formats of the chip card. Parallel to the plastic chip card, 1NCE also offers the MFF2 eSIM format.
Why can I not log in to the 1NCE Customer Portal with a new email address, which I have changed in my “Customer data”?
The 1NCE customer portal contains at least two e-mail addresses of the customer. This is, on the one hand, the e-mail address of the customer data used during registration and, on the other hand, the e-mail address of the user data stored for the 1NCE Customer Portal. To login to the Customer Portal, use the email address linked to your user data, not the email address of the customer data.
Why does the invoice contain incorrect information?
The data shown on the invoice correspond to the data stored on the Customer Portal. Therefore it is imperative that you verify your data stored there and updates as necessary.
Why has the SIM card been blocked?
The reasons for blocking can be many and varied. Before we block a 1NCE SIM card, we send an email regarding the deactivation and the reason for the deactivation. This email provides all relevant information.
Why have I not been given a confirmation or invoice after placing an order?
If neither an invoice nor a confirmation has been received, you can check whether the order has actually been accepted. If the order is visible in your account, verify the email address and correct if necessary. You can then download the invoice from the 1NCE Customer Portal .
Why have I not received a confirmation email?
Once the order is placed, a confirmation is sent to the e-mail address that was stated upon registration. You can verify your e-mail address and the spelling at any time on the 1NCE Customer Portal .
Why is it necessary to pay for an order in advance?
1NCE only offers a prepaid service. With the prepaid system, you have 14 days to transfer his invoice or to pay directly by credit card upon completion of the order.
Why is it not possible to use a SEPA direct debit to pay for topping up data volume?
Currently, 1NCE only offers SEPA bank transfers and Credit Card to pay for top-up.
How can I get started with 1NCE OS?
All 1NCE OS tools are included, when you buy connectivity from 1NCE. You will find 1NCE OS in the main Navigation menu. After agreeing to the additional Licence Agreement, you are ready to go.
Can the Customer Portal be used by several persons
The Customer Portal offers the option to create multiple user accounts which allows for different user roles and rights. Under the tab “User” the initial owner of the account can create and edit new user accounts.
The following roles for additional user accounts are available:

Owner: This is the initial user and cannot be changed. This role can use every function and administrate “Admins” and “Users”. The role of “Owner” can also be assigned to a newly added user.

Admin: This role has all access (including API access) and can administrate the account as well as create and delete users.

User: This role can see all details on the Customer Portal and administrate SIM Cards, but cannot initiate new orders or Top Ups, therefore this role does not have any rights to purchase or recharge.

API User: This role is designed for the usage of the 1NCE REST API available via the 1NCE-API webpage or from applications directly via HTTPs and defines the API client credentials for programmatic access. To use the API the individual OAuth2 client_id and client_credentials are required.
What happens at the end of the free 12 months of the 1NCE For All card?
Shortly before the end of the free 12 months, the customer will be informed by e-mail about the upcoming end of the runtime and can decide at this point whether to upgrade to the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat in the foreseeable future. There is no provision for automatic renewal.
Can I recharge data volume for 1NCE For All?
Regardless of the 12-month term, it is possible to upgrade to the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat for $10.00 at any time and thus use the full 500 MB volume of the 1NCE Standard product, along with other extensions.
What happens if I used up the free volume of 1NCE For All?
Regardless of the 12-month term, it is possible to upgrade to the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat for $10.00 at any time and thus use the full 500 MB volume of the 1NCE Standard product, along with other extensions.
Can I recharge 1NCE For All?
1NCE For All can be upgraded to the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat at any time in the Customer Portal. This turns the free card into the 1NCE Standard product for $10.00 for 10 years with just a few clicks.
How can I delete a user on my account?
You can create and delete users independently as "Admin" and "Owner". You can find more information in the Developer Hub. If it is not possible, please contact us via the customer portal.
Loja da 1NCE

Compre agora o 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat!

Visite a loja da 1NCE e comece a conectar facilmente seus dispositivos IoT. Basta solicitar seus cartões SIM, escolher o tipo de cartão desejado e preencher todos os formulários necessários. Assim que o pagamento for aprovado, receberá seus cartões em dois ou três dias úteis.