Reference Stories


Independent and reliable energy monitoring at any time

Cast4All, based in Antwerp, Belgium, builds scalable end-to-end solutions for infrastructure management such as residential solar panel parks, data centers and other buildings. Basis of the Cast4All solution is the Single Independent Monitoring Platform (SIMPL). A platform that ensures the seamless integration of all kind of meters/sensors with cellular communication networks such as 2G, 3G, 4G, NB-IoT, LTE-M and the data management system.

Independent communication is key when it comes to the Cast4All solution. To ensure metering installations perform optimally, Cast4All collects and aggregates data independently of home Wi-Fi and uses mobile cellular connectivity from 1NCE.


SIMPL is a software meter management platform that reads and manages devices remotely via 1NCE mobile cellular connectivity with devices using Gateways from Xemex, yet another 1NCE reference customer. Over 100.000 houses and buildings, mainly owned by social housing companies in the Netherlands and Belgium are equipped with solar panels and monitored by the Cast4All solution.   Housing corporations invest in PV or solar panels that are placed at their expense on the roofs of their tenants. It is very important that the housing corporations always know that these solar panels are in optimal shape and that the intended profitability is being achieved. It is therefore fundamental to be able to monitor these installations remotely in a reliable and affordable way.


To enable 24/7 uninterrupted energy monitoring of thousands of connected solar panels, independence from locally available networks such as end-user’s internet connection is mandatory. Too many individual networks mean too much susceptibility to errors and high costs for the maintenance of each of the networks. To keep the operating costs low, a single connectivity solution is needed that runs independently and everywhere without additional installation costs.

1NCE Solution

The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat offers exactly that: Reliable and secure connectivity via standardizes mobile cellular technologies. On top of that, the pricing model is so simple and transparent, that customers can easily calculate operating costs for cellular connectivity into their final product. There is no hassle about managing monthly connectivity fees or additional costs for setup or even roaming for transnational offerings. Easy SIM card management and a lot of additional features for easy and fast implementation complement 1NCEs offering.

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The green revolution in water treatment and reuse.

BIOPOOLTECH, a leader in this sector, has taken on these challenges head-on by pioneering eco-friendly solutions that align with the industry's demands for sustainability and environmental responsibility.




Independent and reliable energy monitoring at any time

Cast4All, based in Antwerp, Belgium, builds scalable end-to-end solutions for infrastructure management such as residential solar panel parks, data centers and other buildings.




Battery-Free Solar Charging for Global Fuel Tank Monitoring

Centri specializes in monitoring gas, diesel, and propane tank consumption using solar-powered IoT devices that can be mounted on any size bulk storage tank.




Intelligent Energy Management

Hildebrand, a leading energy metering company, uses 1NCE NB-IoT powered connectivity for strong signal penetration, boosting operational efficiency by 75%.



United Kingdom

NB-IoT for Industry 4.0, Smart City and Smart Metering with 1NCE

Lobaro GmbH is a full-service provider for industrial IoT projects. Data from M2M communication is collected, aggregated and securely made available using Lobaro’s in-house developed hardware modules and customized IoT server software.




Waterflow under control

PLUM has developed the MacR6N data logger, that allows to monitor water flow and pressure. Equipped with an internal GSM modem, communication can be realized with the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat via standardized cellular technologies for a maximum of reliability and a minimum of setup efforts.




Scaling EV Charging with IoT

Powerdot is a Portuguese company focused on developing and operating electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure. The company partners with businesses and real estate owners to install and manage EV chargers, offering solutions that provide easy, fast, and reliable EV charging.



France, Spain and Poland

Cost-Effective IoT Integration

Explore the collaboration between Pycom and 1NCE to provide transparent and energy-efficient solutions.




1NCE Shop

Buy the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat now

Visit the 1NCE Shop and start connecting your IoT devices easily. Simply choose the desired type of SIM card, order your SIM cards, and fill out all required forms. After the payment has been approved you will receive your cards within two to three business days. 
