Reference Stories


Ensuring the perfect indoor well-being

Whether in offices, hotels, educational institutions or hospitals: Wherever there are many people, indoor hygiene must be given top priority. However, it is not only the air quality that plays an important role, but the entire indoor climate. Aircare, an Italian project that re-designs the indoor wellbeing paradigm, starts with a new type of IoT device that monitors and evaluates room environments according to a wide range of quality criteria. Up to 15 sensors create a holistic picture of the environment: whether particulates-, CO2 or VOC concentrations, humidity, temperature, noise, light and even electro smog. Aircare is therefore not just an air measuring device but evaluates the room climate based on three essential criteria: Air quality, ambient comfort, electro smog and it can be integrated in Building Management Systems of any company. Aircare fulfils the specifications of the WELL building standard for indoor climate. With the integrated 1NCE IoT Flex SIM, Aircare is also able to communicate at any time, independent of local building networks.


People spend a large part of their lives in buildings. Our health and performance depend largely on the indoor climate to which we are exposed during this time. At the same time, we often pay very little attention to indoor air quality. Not only do indoor pollutants affect our health, but also factors that affect our psyche. These include light, temperature, humidity and noise. Aircare measures all these factors, makes them available on a monitoring platform or automatically controls other devices such as ventilation, heating or light.


Aircare can forward its data via Wi-Fi to the local network. But this is not always desired or possible. The installation of sensors in buildings presents manufacturers with various challenges. Spatial conditions or any safety regulations often do not allow a direct connection to the local WiFi. This also results in additional installation and maintenance costs.

1NCE Solution

Aircare, on the other hand, works completely autonomously with the 1NCE IoT Flex SIM and thus enables monitoring of the indoor climate independently of locally available network connections. With the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat 10 dollars for 10 years, Aircare is ready for long-term use and the costs are easy to calculate from the outset. With the 1NCE solution, flexibly available radio standards can be used for data transmission in over 100 countries. Regardless of 2G, 3G, 4G or NB-IoT. Protocols HTTPs and MQTT.

Related Reference Stories
Ensuring the perfect indoor well-being

Aircare has developed a climate sensor that evaluates interiors based on essential criteria such as air quality, environmental comfort and electrosmog. Up to 15 sensors create a holistic picture of the environment: whether particulates-, CO2 or VOC concentrations, humidity, temperature, noise or light.

Consumer Electronics



1NCE enables real-time monitoring for coffee machines

BibeCoffee offers an IoT solution for coffee distributors, coffee chains and coffee shop owners to remotely monitor the coffee machine usage and consumption data. By providing an all-cloud environment the company makes it easy for its customers to have their coffee machine information thoroughly stored, analyzed and accessible at any time...

Consumer Electronics



Battery-Free Solar Charging for Global Fuel Tank Monitoring

Centri specializes in monitoring gas, diesel, and propane tank consumption using solar-powered IoT devices that can be mounted on any size bulk storage tank.

Consumer Electronics



Coffee Cloud
The coffee analytics solution for a perfect taste and optimized business

Coffee Cloud provides a retrofit solution for monitoring professional coffee/barista machines and real-time data analysis to optimise business processes.

Consumer Electronics



Febris CO2-Sensor: The Smart Corona Alarm

Corona Alarm: Fighting the Corona scare, Nuremberg-based Sentinum GmbH has developed the Febris CO2 indoor air sensor.

Consumer Electronics



Shower Canary
Smart Showers for a Sustainable Future

Shower Canary - Smart timers for sustainable showers. Save water, energy & money.

Consumer Electronics


New Zealand

Remote real-time analytics for energy consumption in socially rented rental homes

With a Switchee Smart Thermostat installed, residents optimize energy use, reduce consumption and lower heating bills by up to 17 percent.

Consumer Electronics



Connecting Across Languages with IoT Translation

Today, smart translation has evolved to utilize internet connectivity through various channels, such as Wi-Fi and cellular networks, allowing for real-time translation using extensive online resources.

Consumer Electronics



1NCE Shop

Buy the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat now

Visit the 1NCE Shop and start connecting your IoT devices easily. Simply choose the desired type of SIM card, order your SIM cards, and fill out all required forms. After the payment has been approved you will receive your cards within two to three business days. 
