Network Coverage
1NCE offers global coverage in more than 173 countries worldwide. All common mobile radio standards are supported among them also 2G. The coverage map indicates in which countries and regions the 2G is available.
All about 2G coverage:
1NCE coverage map
List of 2G network discontinuations / shutdowns
1NCE network explained
Overview of mobile radio standards available
1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat with all required features
All about 2G coverage:
1NCE coverage map
List of 2G network discontinuations / shutdowns
1NCE network explained
Overview of mobile radio standards available
1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat with all required features
1NCE offers global coverage in more than 173 countries worldwide. All common mobile radio standards are supported among them also 2G. The coverage map indicates in which countries and regions the 2G is available.
The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat offers you 10 years of IoT connectivity for a one-time payment of 10 euros. The offering is specifically tailored for low bandwidth IoT applications: 500 MB and 250 SMS and all further necessary features are included. In the case that your use case recquires additional data and SMS volume, you can also book a top-up via the Customer Portal.