
Energy Saver

Optimizes energy consumption of battery-powered products

The IoT Challenge

Battery-powered products must be fully optimized to reach a lifespan of 10 years or more. This can be challenging and requires careful parametrization of network modes (PSM, eDRX), hardware options (CPU deep sleep) and software tools. In order to be confident about device implementation, product manufacturers must take every possible step that is available.

At a glance

  • Extend the battery life of your product by compressing data by reducing radio airtime

  • No cloud service modifications required

  • Fully open implementation

Our Solution

The Energy Saver allows you to reduce the duration of radio airtime by compressing data, which optimizes energy consumption and increases battery life significantly.

Energy Saver doesn’t require changes in your cloud services. The mechanism is based on Binary Conversion Language. The data is compressed already on the device before transmission. Since the device then needs to send less data, less energy is being used. These functions are optional available for integration in the open-sourced, C-based Device SDK.

The 1NCE OS Energy Saver is directly connected to the IoT Integrator. Before it gets forwarded to your cloud services, it decompresses the data and translates it back into readable data, e. g. JSON. No changes are required in your backend, the arriving data stays the same.

How it works

Energy consumption gets reduced by compressing the data before it gets send over the radio. Energy saver decompresses the data before publishing it to the cloud services.


Longer lasting battery powered products with a software only solution

See also

IoT Integrator (live, near real-time updates pushed into your cloud)

How to use

  • Optional: Use Device SDK to compress data on your device

  • Send data through Energy Saver

More Software Tools


Device Authenticator

Device Authenticator seamlessly authenticates and identifies devices in your cloud


IoT Integrator

IoT Integrator provides integration tools based on open standards bridging into your IT infrastructure


Device Locator

Device Locator provides constant device geopositioning without GPS


Device Inspector

Device Inspector enables remote monitoring of your device fleet

1NCE Shop

Buy the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat now!

Visit the 1NCE Shop and start connecting your IoT devices easily. Simply order your SIM cards, choose the desired type of SIM card and fill out all required forms. After the payment has been approved you get your cards within two to three business days.
