1NCE For All is a free IoT tariff to connect IoT solutions without any costs.

The free IoT SIM can be ordered exclusively in AWS Marketplace.

At No Cost

Welcome to the IoT playground. With 1NCE For All, you receive an IoT SIM at no cost. 1NCE For All is the perfect IoT rate for all IoT developers out there who are looking for a reliable, easy, and risk-free start to the development of IoT solutions. We want to provide you with the tool to kick-start your IoT project as easily as ever before. With 1NCE For All, your IoT project stays connected for up to 12 months. Without costs. Without auto-subscription. Without catches.

No costs, but all included:

IoT SIM at no cost

Connected for 12 months

50 MB data included

Coverage in EU (27+3), US, RU, CN

Multi-bearer access: 2G, 3G, 4G, LTE-M, NB-IoT

Optional upgrade to 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat at any time

1NCE OS for easy AWS IoT Core integration

APN, OpenVPN, Rest API, Data Streamer and more

No auto-subscription

No catches

Optional upgrade to the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat

You can optionally upgrade from 1NCE For All...

...to the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat Rate at any time.

1NCE For All is the perfect IoT connectivity tariff for testing, protoytping and kick-starting your IoT project without any costs or risks. For up to 12 months you can enjoy the connectvity services of 1NCE For All and fine-tune your IoT solution. Get familiar with the whole range of included services and features of our all-inclusive package.

During the 12 months of your IoT tariff at no cost, you can optionally upgrade to our signature tariff at any time: The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat. The upgrade can be done via our 1NCE Customer Portal within a few clicks. Your SIM’s profile will be changed from the 1NCE For All tariff to the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat. This enables you to make use of our full IoT services for up to 10 years and in 173 countries around the globe. The services of the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat come at the costs of a single payment of 10 EUR per SIM – no less, no more, all features included.

The decision about the upgrade lies 100% in your hands. You decide whether you want to continue using our services. In case you will not be convinced with our services (but we are sure you will be), you simply do nothing and your 1NCE For All subscription will end automatically after the runtime of 12 months. No auto-subscription. No catches.


What is 1NCE For All?

1NCE For All is a free IoT rate. For up to 12 months, you can use the free IoT SIM card with a data volume of 50 MB without any costs in Europe, USA, China, and Russia. 1NCE For All aims to make entry into IoT projects for IoT developers as easy as possible.

How do I get 1NCE For All?

You can order 1NCE For All exclusively in AWS Marketplace. You only need to create an AWS Marketplace account. Per account, you can order up to 100 free SIMs including 1NCE For All.

What happens after the runtime of 12 months?

After the runtime of 12 months, your SIM including the 1NCE For All tariff will automatically be deactivated and you will not be charged anything. In case you would like to continue using our services, you can easily upgrade to our standard 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat via the 1NCE Customer Portal. The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat has a lifetime of 10 years, data volume of 500 MB, coverage in 173 countries and comes at a one-time-payment of only 10 EUR.

Want to learn more?

Would you like to learn more about our partnership with AWS? Check out our partnership at our Amazon Web Services (AWS) partner page, read out latest article in the AWS blog, our check our profile in AWS Marketplace.

Ready to order?

Visit the AWS Marketplace and start connecting your IoT devices in the easiest way. Simply subscribe to 1NCE For All, then pick and choose the 1NCE For All SIM and proceed to checkout. After your order has been placed you get your cards within four to five business days.

1NCE Shop

Buy the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat now!

Visit the 1NCE Shop and start connecting your IoT devices easily. Simply order your SIM cards, choose the desired type of SIM card and fill out all required forms. After the payment has been approved you get your cards within two to three business days.