1NCE Products FAQ

Our 1NCE offers are simple and straightforward. However, questions can certainly arise here and there. Therefore we have already compiled a list of your possible questions in order to provide you with an answer as quickly as possible. If you couldn’t find the answers to your questions in our FAQ, feel free to contact us via our contact form and one of our 1NCE staff will respond to your request as soon as possible.

How can we help?

What happens after the 10 years contract?
Before the expiry of the 10-year activation period, you will be informed by 1NCE by e-mail, three and one months beforehand.

After the end of the activation period, you have 18 months to extend your SIM cards. During this transition period, the SIM cards are not usable, but you can extend them at any time. After 18 months, the SIM cards will be irrevocably deleted
How to configure the Data Streams in the 1NCE Customer Portal?
Setting up a Data Stream requires you to select the Stream Type to specify if just Event or Usage data is desired, or both should be sent jointly.

You can select the transmission of historic data. If historic data is selected the 1NCE Platform will send all customers data up to seven days old, however it will take significantly longer until transmissions are caught up with live data.

An activated and configured stream will be enabled instantly, and the performance can be monitored. The current Remote Status is shown in the Customer Portal as HTTP status coded from the remote site. If a 200 (OK) is displayed, the Data Stream is operating normally if the receiving section is not reachable or the configuration is invalid, it will show a 500er error.

You can pause and resume the stream at any time by using the action buttons next to the stream details.

For setting up the Data Streams for a RestAPI or RestAPI in Bulk mode the specification of an API Callback is required. The 1NCE Data Stream acts as an HTTP Client and needs an HTTP Server to handle each Post. Every sent message includes an array of one or more objects.
What are the advantages of the China + profile?
In partnering with China Telecom and the 1NCE multi-IMSI SIM, 1NCE can extend its coverage across mainland China, Macao, and Hong Kong with permanent seamless NB-IoT and 4G connectivity.
Are 1NCE SIM cards steered?
We only provide steering in Germany to Deutsche Telekom. Worldwide, no other operator is otherwise being steered.
Can 1NCE SIM cards be purchased by private individuals?
The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat is only aimed at companies. Purchase by private individuals (consumers) is not permitted.
Can I restrict the 1NCE SIM card to only 2G, 3G or 4G networks?
Yes, data transfer exclusively on 2G, 3G or 4G is possible.
Can I order SIM cards for testing purposes only?
Yes, individual 1NCE SIM cards can also be purchased for testing. This is possible since there is no minimum order quantity. However, no special plan is available for test customers.
Can students or developers purchase 1NCE SIM cards?
The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat is only aimed at companies, therefore students or developers looking to purchase the 1NCE SIM card as private individuals (consumers) are excluded from doing so.
Do 1NCE SIM cards also support seamless coverage across national borders?
Yes, when crossing a border between two countries covered by the 1NCE footprint, the 1NCE SIM card ensures seamless connectivity. However, this only applies to the connectivity standards 2G, 3G and 4G. NB-IoT does not support seamless cell handover when switching cells. In this case, the connection is lost and has to be re-established. You should also note that NB-IoT is not yet supported in all 1NCE footprint countries.
Does the 1NCE SIM card also support text messaging?
1NCE is an IoT Native company and thus is not focussed at providing legacy text messages. Nevertheless the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat also offers the opportunity to send and receive text messaging in a limited fashion. Generally, the majority of user data is sent via the data channel, however text messages are relevant for wake-up messages from the IoT application (application-oriented SMS) to the endpoint (mobile terminated). Therefore sending and receiving text messages between SIM card devices and server is supported.
Does the 1NCE SIM card support voice?
No, voice support is not included in the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat. Only data and text messages are supported.
How can I monitor the performance of my SIM Cards?
1NCE offers a service called “Data Streams”. The Data Stream service allows to subscribe to real-time Event and Usage Data for all SIM Cards by pushing data directly to your server or an already integrated cloud service such as AWS Kinesis, DataDog or Keen.io. In total up to ten different Data Streams can be configured per account. More information on "Data Streamer" can be found in the Developer Hub in documentation section.
How can I send more than the text messages that are included in the price?
You can order further text messages separately on the 1NCE Customer Portal as a top-up.
In what countries does 1NCE offer connectivity?

The 1NCE Footprint currently covers over 168 countries worldwide. In all these countries the 1NCE SIM card can transmit on 2G, 3G and 4G. NB-IoT is currently only supported in selected countries in Europe and Asia, therefore NB-IoT is only available in the 1NCE Footprint in a few cases. Our coverage map shows the current availability worldwide.

Is both uplink and downlink data deducted?
The included data volume is measured and deducted with an accuracy of 1 kByte. Both overhead data resulting from the use of the respective protocols, such as UDP or TCP, and the actual payload are included in our calculations. All transport data between the device/modem and applications is deducted. This includes both uplink and downlink data packages.
Is it possible to book additional volumes (top-up)?
Purchasing additional data is possible, and it’s very easy. Once the 500 MB included in the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat have been used up, you can simply purchase another 500 MB for 15 USD (net). The new volume is available as soos as the payment is registered at 1NCE. The activation period of 10 years remains the same. For each SIM card reaching 80% of the volume included in the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat (500 MB), you will automatically be notified of this, including the option to book an additional 500 MB.
Is it possible to set individual SIM cards to “inactive”?
All SIM cards can be managed and set to inactive on the 1NCE Customer Portal.
Is transport-related data (overhead data) also deducted?
The included data volume is measured and deducted with an accuracy of 1 kByte. Both overhead data resulting from the use of the respective protocols, such as UDP or TCP, and the actual payload are included in our calculations. All transport data between the device/modem and applications is deducted. This includes both uplink and downlink data packages.
What can I do if a SIM card is deactivated because the allowed volume limit has been reached?
Additional volume can be ordered via the 1NCE Customer Portal.
What can I do if text messages are not sent or received despite having a connection?
You can control and check the status and how many text messages have been used via the 1NCE Customer Portal. If the SMS volume is sufficient you should always check the configuration of the module to avoid errors.
What do I do if a SIM card goes missing?
Please inform the Customer Support team immediately if you have lost a SIM card.
What happens once the data volume of 500 MB has been used up?
If a SIM card has used the included volume of 500 MB before the activation period of 10 years is up, it remains activated for a maximum of 18 months from that point on. During this time, the customer has the option to purchase another data volume of 500 MB for another 15 USD. If the customer does not book additional data within these 18 months, the SIM card is automatically deactivated by the system when the eighteenth month is up.
What happens to SIM cards that send no data/are inactive for longer periods of time?
For SIM cards that do not transmit any data for several months, it can be assumed that either the SIM card is defective or the connected device is defective or destroyed. To release the reserved resources from the SIM card, SIM cards that have not transmitted any data for 18 months consecutively are automatically deactivated.
What is included in the 1NCE IoT Flat Rate? Are there any additional costs to be taken into account?
With the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat of 10 Euros net, customers receive an activated SIM card allowing them to both send and receive data on the NB-IoT, 2G, 3G, 4G or LTE-M networks during the activation period of max. 10 years. The data is sent straight to the customer’s system via an open VPN tunnel. Customers can choose how much data they send/use and when. The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat includes a data volume of 500 MB, which can be used within 10 years. The IoT Flat Rate also includes the use of the 1NCE customer portal, which allows customers to manage SIM cards and purchase further data from 1NCE. On top of the 10 Euros for the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat there will be additional charges for VAT as well as shipping costs.
What kind of data plans are available from 1NCE?
1NCE only offers one data plan – the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat . There are no other plans available.
What SIM formats (form factors) does 1NCE offer?
As standard, the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat includes a SIM card with the form factors 2FF, 3FF and 4FF in the all-in-one format. Additionally the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat can be used also with a so called SIM Chip MFF2 for an extra fee.
Where can I find the 1NCE SIM card specifications?
All details on the features of the 1NCE SIM cards are listed in the on the 1NCE website and the technical specifications can be found on the Developer Hub.
Where can I select the SIM card format (2FF, 3FF, 4FF)?
The 1NCE SIM cards are sent as 4 in 1 chip cards, therefore a special selection is not necessary. The required format can simply be broken out of the pre-punched formats of the chip card. Parallel to the plastic chip card, 1NCE also offers the MFF2 eSIM format.
Why can I not find my SIM card in the 1NCE Customer Portal?
A 1NCE SIM card is always linked to a certain account. If there are multiple accounts, these should also be checked for the respective SIM card.
Where do I find the IP address of the 1NCE SIM card?
The 1NCE SIM cards have static IPv4 addresses.
These can be identified in the 1NCE Customer Portal under the view "My SIMs" in the column "IP address". The subnet or the subnets of the cards can be found on the tab “Configuration” in the "Network settings" under the heading "IP Address Space". From 250 SIM cards per customer account, several subnets can be assigned.
How does the ubirch sealing process work?
Ubirch uses Blockchain technology to secure data directly from the source of data creation, the IoT sensor. A private key located on the SIM card seals the IoT data. In the backend, these micro certificates are then stored in a so-called Merkle tree and anchored in public blockchains. This creates an unchangeable and irrefutable data set for each individual sensor. Since the protocol is bidirectional, an IoT sensor can also check incoming data packets for authenticity and integrity. This provides efficient protection against unauthorized commands or unknown sources, because IoT data can be verified whenever it is processed, and only verifiable packets are processed.
The new security package uses the proven SIGNiT solution from G+D Mobile Security, which creates the link between a proven SIM environment, a secure operating system and the block chain.
Can I use Blockchain solution on my existing cards?
The IoT data security package Blockchain-on-a-SIM is a solution developed in cooperation with G&D, ubirch and 1NCE. The card manufacturer G+D Mobile Security prepares the SIM for the ubirch trust protocol during production. This modification in the manufacturing process makes it possible to seal the data directly at the source, in this case already on the SIM. A subsequent modification of the SIM is therefore not possible and the standard SIM card from 1NCE cannot be used for this. Please contact our Sales Team via the contact form on 1NCE.com to order the Blockchain-on-a-SIM solution.
Can I use my current 1NCE SIM with the network of China Telecom?
No, for permanent roaming on NB-IoT and 4G in the China Telekom network, 1NCE offers its multi-IMSI SIM, which carries a second IMSI of China Telekom. The 1NCE Sales Team will be happy to support you with your first order of the multi-coverage SIM for China Telekom. Please use the contact form on 1NCE.com .
At what price does 1NCE offer the SIM with China Telecom collaboration?
1NCE will stay with its IoT Flat Rate of 15 USD for 10 years (including 500MB / 250 SMS) for its multi-IMSI SIM Card. 1NCE does not make any difference in the pricing of the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat, regardless of the location.
Which bearers does 1NCE cover in the collaboration with China Telecom?
1NCE is able to provide permanent roaming on NB-IoT and 4G in the collaboration with China Telecom.
Which requirements must my device meet for the Multi-IMSI-SIM of 1NCE?
Devices that are equipped with a Multi-IMSI-SIM must support the so-called "SIM Application Toolkit". The “SIM Application Toolkit” (STK) is a standard of the GSM system which enables the SIM card to initiate actions which can be used for various value-added services.
What happens if the module is not able to use Multi-IMSI?
Modules that do not support a Multi-IMSI SIM, talking of not supporting the "SIM Application Toolkit" (STK), will use the 1NCE standard IMSI to provide connectivity on 1NCE's standard roaming profile .
Can I still use the 1NCE SIM with China+ IMSI normally in the other regions?
Yes, out of China, Taiwan, Macau and Hong Kong you will get the same behaviour like for the 1NCE standard IMSI.
Will the SIM switch to the China+ IMSI as soon as it enters China automatically or after some time?
The point of switch to the China+ IMSI also depends on the device. The "SIM Application Toolkit" will switch automatically as soon as the device notice, that the country/region is changed.
Does the China+ IMSI have roaming capabilities in this region as well? (Can the SIM roam into Vietnam or Japan for example?)
Yes, the Multi IMSI China+ SIM works normally in the other regions. But in Mainland China, just China Telecom the 4G/NB-IOT network is available and in Hong Kong 2G/3G/4G at HKT CSL and in Macau 4G at China Telecom Macau network is available.
Does 1NCE For All also include SMS?
The free 1NCE For All product is designed to test IoT connectivity and is therefore limited to 50 MB data volume only.
Will the free 1NCE For All card automatically renew with costs after 12 months?
The term of the 1NCE For All card is designed for a maximum of 12 months and must be actively upgraded by the customer. Automatic renewal is not provided for in order to keep test purposes calculable.
Can SIM cards be charged (top-uped) automatically?
In the 1NCE Customer Portal we offer a so-called "Auto-Top-Up" feature, which you can use to automatically top-up your cards. Just deposit a valid credit card in the customer portal to activate this feature. The volume of your SIM cards is automatically checked by the system every day at 06:00 and 18:00 CET. As soon as more than 80% of the volume is used, a top-up is automatically triggered. You can find more information at https://help.1nce.com/dev-hub/docs/portal-sims-sms#auto-top-up .
Are eUICC-capable SIM materials compatible with all modules?

Yes, they can be used in any SIM applicable hardware. However, if you intend to actively use eUICC they need to make sure the hardware does support eUICC.

What about the other eUICC standards, e. g. Consumer IoT?

There are new standards being discussed in the industry but still not yet commercial deployed or available, we are constantly monitoring the development in this space to be up to speed.

What happens when I want to switch?

Contact our customer service to discuss the details on the switching. Due to the technical nature of eUICC, an integration project is required between 1NCE and the other operator and / or RSP provider.

1NCE Shop

Buy the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat now

Visit the 1NCE Shop and start connecting your IoT devices easily. Simply order your SIM cards, choose the desired type of SIM card and fill out all required forms. After the payment has been approved you get your cards within seven to ten business days.
