Enhancing Smart Metering with IoT Connectivity

Grow your smart metering business and roll out fast with 1NCE IoT SIM cards today.

Smart Metering with Connectivity That Scales 

The transformation of utility networks is one of the most impactful infrastructure paradigm shifts ever. Smart meter manufacturers are operating at the forefront of this evolution, providing devices that not only measure the consumption data of electricity, gas, or water but also need to communicate this data securely and reliably in adverse environments. Managing the connectivity needed for smart meters on the IoT has traditionally been a constant source of complexity – until now.

With 1NCE IoT SIM Card, the world's first IoT Lifetime Flat, make a one-time 15 USD payment for the device's lifetime and start acquiring your valuable data.

How To Overcome the Challenges

Lack of reliability

As diverse as the various communication technologies are, so are the areas of application for smart meters. Often, they are deep underground, far away from an external power source, or widely distributed throughout complex building layouts. Therefore, high-quality connectivity needs to be delivered to all those places in order to satisfy stringent requirements for security and reliability.

Local connectivity doesn’t scale

Collecting data from various smart meters can be a difficult endeavor. Setting up a dedicated local network infrastructure to communicate with all devices is time-consuming and adds substantial complexity to the solution. Maintaining this network infrastructure also means considerable increases in capital as well as operating expenditures. The result can be a slow, painful process that lacks the scalability and profitability necessary for true digitalization progress.

Choosing the Right Infrastructure Is Key

Cellular networks have become increasingly important when connecting smart devices to the Internet of Things. New, low-bandwidth technologies like NB-IoT are perfectly suited to fulfill the needs of IoT-based smart metering requirements. However, many mobile network operators haven’t adapted their offerings to market needs. Complex pricing structures and long-term commitments don’t fit connected sensors where connectivity should be a one-time investment for the device's lifetime.

Why 1NCE?

Low and transparent operating costs

1NCE delivers global cellular connectivity pre-paid at a fixed price that lasts over the entire lifetime of the device: 15 USD for 10 years, which breaks down to less than 10 cents per month per device. Pay once, and never worry about connectivity for your smart metering system again.

A connectivity solution that scales

The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat comes with no additional costs. No extra charges for setup, roaming, or support. SIM cards are delivered ready-to-use with no activation necessary. That allows rapid and uncomplicated mass rollouts of devices in the field.  

Technology that grows with your business

1NCE supports all current mobile network standards from 2G, 3G, 4G, NB-IoT and LTE-M joined on a single SIM Card. Seamless network switching at no extra fees assures always the best possible network coverage for each individual use case. Replace old smart meters step by step and smoothly phase-out any legacy network infrastructure. 

Free software tools for easy integration

Why reinvent the wheel? The 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat includes a unique toolset of software, that helps you to implement, manage and optimize your devices. A well-documented API allows for easy integration into your own software services. OpenVPN capabilities give your solution added security to support even in the most demanding environments.

Strong partnerships

1NCE is a strategic partner of communications giants like Softbank and Deutsche Telekom AG. 1NCE uses the network access structure of Deutsche Telekom and its roaming partners currently covering 157 countries and regions worldwide. As of today, 1NCE manages over 15 million SIM cards from over 12 thousand customers worldwide.

Discover more about 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat and get your SIM card today.

Smart Metering Success Stories with 1NCE


PLUM has developed the MacR6N data logger, that allows to monitor water flow and pressure. Equipped with an internal GSM modem, communication can be realized with the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat via standardized cellular technologies for a maximum of reliability and a minimum of setup efforts.

Project Details

Società Impianti Metano

The leading italian provider and distributor of gas utility services trusts in 1NCE mobile cellular IoT connectivity for a quick and easy rollout.

Project Details


With a Switchee Smart Thermostat installed, residents optimize energy use, reduce consumption and lower heating bills by up to 17 percent.

Project Details

The Future of Smart Metering Lies in IoT Connectivity

Undoubtedly, smart metering solutions are gradually improving thanks to IoT connectivity. Whether it comes to automatically refilling consumable resources or detecting irregularities within the connected infrastructure, connectivity is always the heart of data extraction, analysis, and the next steps toward smooth processes. With the growing demand for smart meters, let’s prepare for the evolutionary changes in cellular connectivity.

Let's start leveraging the power of IoT Smart Metering with 1NCE right away!

Reach Out for More Information

If you plan to embed our connectivity as a feature, please feel free to use our contact form to reach our sales team.

1NCE Shop

Buy the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat now

Visit the 1NCE Shop and start connecting your IoT devices easily. Simply order your SIM cards, choose the desired type of SIM card and fill out all required forms. After the payment has been approved you get your cards within seven to ten business days.
