Why is the 1NCE For All product only available on the AWS Marketplace?
The background of 1NCE For All is to offer IoT connectivity free of charge and easily configurable in order to generate no additional costs for developers for testing purposes and to focus on development through simple implementation. For this purpose, 1NCE offers the free 1NCE OS in the 1NCE Customer Portal, which is also based on AWS services and therefore cannot be used without an AWS account.
Loja da 1NCE

Compre agora o 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat!

Visite a loja da 1NCE e comece a conectar facilmente seus dispositivos IoT. Basta solicitar seus cartões SIM, escolher o tipo de cartão desejado e preencher todos os formulários necessários. Assim que o pagamento for aprovado, receberá seus cartões em dois ou três dias úteis.
