
IoT Integrator

Integration tools based on open standards bridging into your IT infrastructure

The IoT Challenge

Companies must choose which data protocols are best and ensure support over every device’s lifetime. However, protocols used on the device side (UDP, CoAP, Lightweight M2M) are often incompatible with protocols used on the cloud side (HTTPS, MQTT). This often forces product manufacturers to either make insufficient design decisions or build workarounds that don't contribute to their core business.

한 눈에 보기

  • Simply push device telemetry data into your cloud

  • Data flow in near real time

  • UDP, CoAP, Lightweight M2M, HTTPS Webhooks and AWS IoT Core support

  • Perfect match for constrained devices (LPWA, NB-IoT, LTE-M), compatible with all network access types (2G, 3G, 4G)

Our Solution

The IoT Integrator brings IT and OT together by effortlessly translating data protocols. All telemetry data (such as sensor values, error codes or geographical positions) gets pushed into your cloud using typical, industry-standard protocols.

There are two aspects to the integrator: the device and the cloud side.

Device side

On the device side, connect devices using raw UDP for the most basic integration. If you require more possibilities, go with CoAP or Lightweight M2M. Both come with optional DTLS encryption for state-of-the-art security. Our open-sourced embedded device examples get you up and running in no time.

Cloud side

Connecting your backend system simply requires one HTTPS Webhook endpoint (compatible with all cloud providers and data centers) or an AWS IoT Core instance that 1NCE natively connects to before data flows in near real time. Just configure everything straight from the 1NCE customer portal.

See also

Device Inspector (pull data via REST API)

Device Locator (position devices)

Energy Saver (optimize payload to save energy)

소프트웨어 툴 더 보기


Device Locator

Device Locator는 GPS신호가 없어도 위치를 지속적으로 추적합니다.


Energy Saver

Energy Saver는 배터리 구동 제품의 에너지 소비를 최적화합니다.


Device Inspector

Device Inspector는 디바이스 장비의 원격 모니터링이 가능합니다.


IoT Device Authenticator

Device Authenticator는 클라우드에서 장치를 원활하게 인증하고 식별합니다.

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