Our Events (英語)

Let's meet up!

We will be present at these events this year as a participant or speaker. We look forward to meeting you there in person.


2024 TAITRONICS & AIoT Taiwan is organized by the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA) and the Taiwan Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association (TEEMA). This year's exhibition, themed "AInnovation Now," will focus on the latest AI technologies and industry trends, featuring four main themes: "AIoT Application," "Low -orbit Satellite," "Igniting Ideas," and "Drones Evolution." 

2024年國家智慧展(Smart Nation Expo 2024)

有關5G、智慧城市、IR4.0、新興技術和應用在東南亞的最大科技盛會。2024年東南亞智慧國家博覽會(SMART NATION EXPO 2024)」的主題是:「數位轉型的智慧創新」,作為創新的核心,此博覽會為相關企業提供了重要的交流平台、協助他們與創新智能技術和解決方案供應商之間的媒合。

1NCE 商店

立即購買1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat

造訪 1NCE 商店並開始輕鬆連接您的 IoT 設備。只需訂購您的 SIM 卡、選擇所需的 SIM 卡類型並填寫所有必需的表格即可。付款獲得確認後,您將在7到10個工作天內收到卡片。
