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온라인상점에서 간단한 절차를 통해 쉽게 IoT 디바이스 연결을 시작하세요. 원하는 SIM 카드 유형과 몇 가지 필요한 항목만 입력하면 주문이 완료됩니다. 결제 승인 후, 7~10영업일 내에 SIM 카드를 받을 수 있습니다.
Reference Stories
Zenicor Medical Systems AB is one of the leading medtech companies in Europe in the fields of early diagnosis of arrhythmias and stroke prevention for health care. For such purposes, Zenicor has developed the Zenicor-ECG device, a unique and cost-effective system solution. The company has been selected as the sole provider of ECG recording devices to the SAFER Study in the UK – the world’s largest screening trial with 120.000 patients participating. The aim is to detect undiagnosed atrial fibrillation and prevent strokes and other problems in comparison to current routine care methods. The study is managed by Cambridge University.
All Zenicor devices in the SAFER study will be equipped with 1NCE SIM to allow for smooth and reliable transfer of ECG data using the mobile network. Zenicor also uses 1NCE SIM cards in every new device shipped to customers in all the markets in which they are present.