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Reference Stories
Are the use of modern media and exercise sport incompatible? Not with the sportstation 2. A multifunctional measuring device that can inspire young and old in sports lessons, in clubs or at events. The sportstation 2 is able to recognise and evaluate movements on the left, right and in front. This allows to create versatile course trainings without complicated set-up, which are evaluated section by section and thus immediately records the player times, scores and points - no matter whether dribbling with the ball, running or even skating.
The sportstation GmbH trusts in cellular connectivity from 1NCE to transfer the collected movement data to an evaluation platform in the cloud. The sportstation 2 is therefore ideal for training sessions in clubs, competitions in schools or at events as well as for measuring personal success. Via a mobile app for smartphones, coaches or participants can immediately view their performance data and compare themselves with other players or previous performances.
In addition, several devices can be connected and synchronized with each other to perfom for example sprint disciplines such as 100m which now can be measured precisely the easy way. Thanks to the devices connected by 1NCE via mobile cellular network, they can be set as far apart as desired as soon as they have been synchronized.