
Cost-Effective IoT Integration

In the ever-evolving landscape of IoT technology, developers are continually searching for straightforward, cost-effective cellular and LPWA solutions to enhance their IoT deployments. This quest becomes even more critical when developing IoT applications for diverse industries and challenging environments.  

프로젝트 상세내용
기술: LTE-M,NB-IoT
위치: Globally

Established in 2015, Pycom operates as a globally recognized Device-to-Cloud Internet of Things (IoT) technology company, engaging with an extensive network of nearly 750,000 developers and serving around 20,000 business and enterprise customers worldwide. Pycom has developed an IoT platform that facilitates seamless connections between Device-to-Cloud Internet of Things (IoT) technology and an array of offerings, including Development Boards, Expansion Boards, OEM Modules, and Accessories. The platform serves as the central hub for managing these diverse elements, enabling developers, enterprises, and end-users to harness the full potential of Pycom's multi-network, Micropython programmable ecosystem. 


One of Pycom's challenges was finding a transparent, cost-effective, and easy-to-integrate connectivity solution for their development boards and OEM modules such as GPy, FiPy, G01, and PyGo. Additionally, many IoT applications in vertical markets like Agriculture, Smart City, Campus and Buildings, Utilities, and Transport & Logistics required energy-efficient strategies to maximize battery life, especially in areas with poor signal penetration. 


1NCE has provided Pycom boards and OEMs with LTE-M and Nb-IoT energy-saving solutions, which perform optimally within poor penetration locations. In addition to volume production rollouts, Pycom can also use 1NCE’s embedded MFF format which adds more security and robustness to the solution. 

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