
NB-IoT for Industry 4.0, Smart City and Smart Metering with 1NCE

Lobaro is a full-service provider for industrial IoT projects. Data from M2M communication is collected, aggregated and securely made available using Lobaro’s in-house developed hardware modules and customized IoT server software. Depending on accessibility and coverage, Lobaro deploys the most suitable transport technology for their clients. For its new sensor platform for Industry 4.0, Smart City and Smart Metering the company now relies on the 1NCE Lifetime Fee.

프로젝트 상세내용
산업: IoT Utilities, IoT Smart City
기술: 2G,3G,NB-IoT
위치: DACH

The Hamburg-based IoT start-up, founded in 2014, looks back on many years of experience in the field of industrial sensor technology and machine control via radio technologies. In addition to providing consultative advice, the full-service project planning offered also includes the implementation of the appropriate LPWA solution for clients in various industries. By supplying the Lobaro platform the company ensures that their customers can seamlessly set up and implement their own IoT systems.


Industrial IoT projects require an infrastructure in which machine data is transmitted reliably over long distances between transmitter and gateway antenna. Connectivity problems and interferences still frequently occur, which impedes the development of digital business processes. Particularly for internal or underground installations such as heat meters, radio coverage is not always guaranteed. However, it will be made mandatory by the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) from 2020. To be able to set up the most efficient and cost-effective connectivity solution depending on industry, project size and customer requirements, Lobaro has to constantly expand its range of services. Thanks to its high network coverage in Germany, the Narrowband IoT standard, which is based on mobile communications, is a key technology and a necessary addition to the Lobaro portfolio.

1NCE Solution

Using 1NCE FlexSIM cards, Lobaro can provide its customers with state-of-the-art, cost-efficient plug-and-play narrowband connectivity. The ease of use and transparent cost of the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat enabled Lobaro not only to achieve a higher margin, but also to reduce market entry barriers for its customers.

1NCE Shop

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