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온라인상점에서 간단한 절차를 통해 쉽게 IoT 디바이스 연결을 시작하세요. 원하는 SIM 카드 유형과 몇 가지 필요한 항목만 입력하면 주문이 완료됩니다. 결제 승인 후, 7~10영업일 내에 SIM 카드를 받을 수 있습니다.
Reference Stories
The FP Group is an expert in secure mailing business and secure digital communication processes. It offers digital solutions in the areas of software and mail services such as the consolidation of business mail and the efficient processing of mail in companies and public authorities. With the 1NCE Lifetime Fee, the FP Group can expand its services with connectivity and offer connected solutions for its customers throughout Europe without additional roaming charges. Thus, the seamless bearer support and the flexible roaming footprint of 1NCE enable predictive maintenance capability for the new FP Group oil monitoring service.
프로젝트 상세내용
The French company Wattsense offers an on-demand service for building connectivity. Their central product is the Wattsense Box, which connects devices from different manufacturers and protocols of the building automation industry, collects data and sends it to the cloud.
Aircare has developed a climate sensor that evaluates interiors based on essential criteria such as air quality, environmental comfort and electrosmog. Up to 15 sensors create a holistic picture of the environment: whether particulates-, CO2 or VOC concentrations, humidity, temperature, noise or light.
온라인상점에서 간단한 절차를 통해 쉽게 IoT 디바이스 연결을 시작하세요. 원하는 SIM 카드 유형과 몇 가지 필요한 항목만 입력하면 주문이 완료됩니다. 결제 승인 후, 7~10영업일 내에 SIM 카드를 받을 수 있습니다.