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온라인상점에서 간단한 절차를 통해 쉽게 IoT 디바이스 연결을 시작하세요. 원하는 SIM 카드 유형과 몇 가지 필요한 항목만 입력하면 주문이 완료됩니다. 결제 승인 후, 7~10영업일 내에 SIM 카드를 받을 수 있습니다.
Reference Stories
Whether in offices, hotels, educational institutions or hospitals: Wherever there are many people, indoor hygiene must be given top priority. However, it is not only the air quality that plays an important role, but the entire indoor climate. Aircare, an Italian project that re-designs the indoor wellbeing paradigm, starts with a new type of IoT device that monitors and evaluates room environments according to a wide range of quality criteria. Up to 15 sensors create a holistic picture of the environment: whether particulates-, CO2 or VOC concentrations, humidity, temperature, noise, light and even electro smog. Aircare is therefore not just an air measuring device but evaluates the room climate based on three essential criteria: Air quality, ambient comfort, electro smog and it can be integrated in Building Management Systems of any company. Aircare fulfils the specifications of the WELL building standard for indoor climate. With the integrated 1NCE IoT Flex SIM, Aircare is also able to communicate at any time, independent of local building networks.