

autosenは、産業オートメーション用に接続されたセンサーソリューションを提供しています。autosenの製品io-keyは、IO-Link対応センサーをクラウドとネットワークに接続することができます。このため、同社は、CumulocityをベースとしたIoTプラットフォームを開発し、AWSクラウド上で運用しています。センサーデータは収集され、自動的にクラウドに送信して、ダッシュボードでの確認と評価を行うことができます。1NCE は、autosenの製品に対してコスト効率の高いコネクティビティソリューションを提供し、io-keyを介してセンサーを信頼性のあるNB-IoT で接続します。

インダストリー: 産業オートメーション
テクノロジー: 2G,NB-IoT
所在地: DACH



Today, it is very complicated and relatively expensive to monitor sensor data or implement smaller applications. Components that can cost several hundred Euros may have to be procured. In addition, the costs of reliable, pan-European machine-to-machine connectivity are a further burden for sensor network operators, sometimes making deployments unviable. autosen therefore wanted to provide its customers with the same convenience and simplicity in connectivity purchasing that they get when buying sensors and automation equipment from autosen. Its latest offering, the io-key, has been designed to provide a good value option for transmitting sensor data as simply as possible into the cloud, thereby making these data available via the internet. The io-key is a gateway that uses IO-Link technology in order to implement plug and play functionality, enabling simple and rapid commissioning of sensors with IO-Link technology. The sensor data gathered are transmitted into a cloud storage area automatically, where they can be viewed on a customer-specific dashboard.

1NCE Solution

Using the 1NCE IoT Lifetime Flat offering of 500MB of data plus 250 SMS for $10 for ten years with no monthly recurring charges has enabled autosen and the io-key to connect sensors in the simplest way and reduce costs for customers dramatically. In addition, the improved in-building penetration of NB-IoT connectivity enables autosen customers to connect sensors across the shopfloor without issues.

1NCE Shop

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