IoT Blog

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Unlocking Commonsense IoT Connectivity

Numerous challenges lie along the path from the idea of the Internet of Things (IoT) to its reality at scale. For early adopters, the connectivity model for IoT devices involved monthly billing for expensive connections on consumer-grade networks.

Highlighting 1NCE IoT Achievements 2019

At the dawn of the Internet of Things, it was routinely projected that IoT would be a market of billions of devices. In fact, most predicted there would be tens of billions of connections live by the dawn of next decade.

1NCE IoT Connectivity Lights the Way for Flashnet

1NCE presents Flashnet, the supplier of the intelligent street lighting management system inteliLIGHT®. Flashnet uses the 1NCE Lifetime Fee to provide street lighting with direct connectivity. This enables easy testing, rapid deployment of pilot projects, real-time activation of street lighting systems and support...

Do IoT Gowth Projections Demonstrate 2020 Vision?

The number of IoT connections has been routinely projected to be in the billions during the early 2020s and, at last, momentum appears to have arrived with the millions of devices rolled out to date forming the basis for billions in the not too distant future...

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