IoT Blog

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Successful IoT Projects | (part 1)

The corona pandemic has given a further boost to digitization. The time has never been better to develop new and clever IoT solutions now. But beware, successful IoT projects need good planning. The subject is complex, but the key to success lies in simplicity.

Successful IoT Projects | (part 2)

The corona pandemic has given a further boost to digitization. The time has never been better to develop new and clever IoT solutions now. But beware, successful IoT projects need good planning. The subject is complex, but the key to success lies in simplicity.

Licensed vs. Unlicensed Radio Technology

This article is the first of three about IoT connectivity and the choice of standards. In this part we emphasize on licensed vs. unlicensed radio technology standards and want to investigate into some common communication standards for Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) use cases to give you a better understanding what you should aim for, depending on the project you’re developing.

Overview of Cellular Mobile Network Standards

Anyone who talks about IoT and cellular mobile radio is confronted with a multitude of terms, especially regarding the different standards. Here is our overview of mobile radio standards from the past, the present and the near future.

Selecting the Ideal Cellular IoT Network

With the third part of our three-part blog series about IoT connectivity and the choice of standards we want to support you in selecting the ideal cellular IoT network for your individual use case.

1NCE IoT Flat Rate: Celebrating Two Years of IoT Success!

Just a month ago, I contacted you directly for the first time. At that time, to assure you that we will continue to stand reliably by your side despite the ongoing Corona crisis. And today I am writing to you again! But not because I'm finally bored at work dueto the lockdown, but because there's so much to tell you. We're pushing ahead with our development to achieve seamless connectivity integration: "Cloud Native".

IoT SIM vs M2M SIM Cards – Is There a Difference?

Connecting M2M applications with SIM cards is not really a new phenomenon. The so-called Machine-to-Machine communication is quite often associated with the Internet of Things, in short IoT. But what is difference of both terms, M2M and IoT? Do you need different SIM-Cards for M2M solutions than for IoT applications?

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