Sourcing IoT Technology Symposium - 29 November, Munich

The Annual General Meeting of the IoT M2M Council – with 25,000 members the largest organization serving the IoT sector – takes place in Munich on the afternoon of Thursday, 29 November 2018 at the Westin Grand Munich. Like the IMC itself, the event is unique in bringing together IoT solutions providers with enterprise users and OEMs that deploy IoT technology – afternoon panel discussions will include sessions on sourcing IoT software platforms, the plethora of choices for IoT wireless connectivity, and securing devices once they are deployed. As a Sustaining Member and partner of the IMC, 1NCE will display its new model for device connectivity at the Annual General Meeting, giving IoT technology adopters a chance to learn more about managing connectivity throughout the deployment lifecycle.

“The IMC is unique in gathering IoT adopters at scale, while technical standards bodies and test-bed organizations tend to be very vendor-centric,” says Alexander Bufalino, 1NCE CSO and a chairman emeritus of the IMC, “We look forward to working with the group to speed time-to-deployment and make connectivity easier for those interested in connecting devices in the field.” Other IMC Sustaining Companies in attendance will include Avnet, HPE, Intel, PTC, Tata Communications, and Vodafone.

Attendance is free, but registration is required at: