1NCE unfolds a new collaboration to leverage IoT knowledge and innovation to the Italian audience

1NCE and NETWORKDigital 360 partner to enrich IoT knowledge centre Internet4Things , a digital Italian media dedicated to the Internet of Things, smart city, smart mobility, smart manufacturing, industry 4.0, big data, wearables and smart health, among others.

Discover articles from industry experts, some of the 1NCE localised playbooks as well as insights and news in the special IoT Connectivity section we built. Through this media collaboration, 1NCE enables the Italian market to stay up to date with the world of IoT and powers the tools for market innovation and evolution.

This is not the first time that 1NCE reaches its audience in such a personalised way, speaking not only the same language but also understanding the market requirements and delivering an integral service, which also includes know-how delivery.

Visit the IoT Connectivity section at Digital360 - Internet4things, and boost the IoT business growth in your market.