
1NCE Ecosystem Partner Interview - Triptec

A 10 Euro SIM Card and a 0 Euro Antenna. That’s what I call a perfect match!

1NCE has gathered a high level Partner Ecosystem, comprised of IoT movers and shakers that help to disrupt the market through new ideas, innovative products and value-adding services. Here’s your chance to get to know those disruptors better, with three questions to Wilhelm Oelers, CTO of Triptec , a true specialist in wireless products for M2M and IoT.

Mister Oelers, tell us about your company: what are you specialized in and how do you work together with 1NCE?

We have been active in M2M and IoT for over 25 years, specializing in wireless applications in cellular radio. We have been participating in the new LPWAN market for three years now. In 2015 we released the first NB-IoT wireless adapter worldwide with Arduino R3 headers called akorIoT Micro. Mass production started in February 2016 and was extended by the reference design akorIoT Nano one year later. After we have finished the first stress tests successfully we are happy to recommend 1NCE’s standard SIM and eSIM for the akorIoT Micro und Nano. Moreover, we will include the 1NCE SIM card in our NB-IoT and LTEM development kits and reference designs. This year we lauched the akorIoT SensPRO in size of a credit card. The SensPRO is an all in one PCB for 20 differnet applications on open SW interface ready to code by Arduino STK and GCC GNU Complier.

Parallel to this, a design service for antennas was started. We match classic chip antennas and also offer affordable customized antennas. Cellular antennas in the form of tracks on the board cost zero Euro in purchasing. Square chip antennas are more expensive and do not fit into the round corners of the enclosures. Our experience of the last 25 years is now being integrated into the developments for antennas and complete IoT devices.

How will 1NCE’s offering help your customers?

We always aim to reach new market segments with fresh ideas for IoT devices. This is often impossible with traditional SIM cards due to cost and complexity. An affordable SIM card including roaming helps us and our customers to better serve those new markets. The SIM card hardly changes the price of our evaluation kits and reference designs, eliminating the need to support SIM cards from unknown sources. Simply put: A 10 Euro SIM Card and a 0 Euro Antenna. That’s what I call a perfect match. The 1NCE product is extremely simple and comfortable and meets the needs of our developers community. In addition: the uncomplicated and swift delivery of eSIM and standard SIM saves us time. Our customers are enthusiastic about both. That’s why, through the disruptive connectivity of 1NCE, we are confident to acquire new projects with the need for internal antennas.

What sets the 1NCE offering apart from other IoT connectivity propositions?

Besides the unbelievable price it is the top notch customer service. An email with a request to send new SIM cards to project customers will be processed unburocratically within a few hours. Technical questions are quickly answered. Since we serve many companies in new market segments, they have no experience with SIM cards and wireless applications. All the more important is the service support. SIM cards with good support are therefore a veritable sales argument to underline our services.

About Triptec:

Triptec is specialized in wireless products for M2M and IoT. Furthermore Triptec is distributor of MegiQ in the Netherlands and partner for trainings on radio approvals with Eurofins. We also offer evaluation kits and reference designs for NB-IoT and LTE-M, among others. We market our services, evaluation kits and reference designs worldwide. Many years of experience with our own radio products are incorporated into the contract development for customer-specific products of our business partners.