IoT Blog

Find various topics on the Internet of Things and the wider industry in our IoT Blog. Read exciting articles about 1NCE, the current mobile standards or M2M. 1NCE’s IoT Blog features the 1NCE team. Market analysis and assessment of the IoT market by the founders and the 1NCE team compact and simple. The newsletter, for which you can easily register, also keeps you up to date and offers interesting topics.

1NCE IoT Blog

# News | 2024-01-12

Smart Sustainability: IoT Leading the Way

IoT technology, with a particular focus on connectivity, is emerging as a powerful catalyst for sustainability transformation. Research conducted by Gartner, Transforma Insights, Berg Insight, and the US Department of Energy highlights its versatile contributions to environmental conservation. These contributions range from reduced CO2 emissions to water conservation achieved through remote management and analysis.

# News | 2024-08-05

Charged Up: Understanding the EV Infrastructure Market and Its Role for IoT

The rapid growth of IoT-connected EV charging points is confirmed by the key research companies like Gartner, Berg Insight, and Counterpoint. Most key EV players in Europe, North America, and China, as discussed in this article, have either migrated to or initiated the integration of IoT technologies due to their increasing benefits.
# News | 2024-01-15

A Comprehensive Guideline to IoT Hardware and Its Place in the IoT Ecosystem

The Internet of Things has dramatically facilitated humans’ lives, creating a vast ecosystem of remotely controllable devices. At the same time, progress doesn’t stand still and the global IoT market is expected to grow to 24.1 billion devices in 2030, generating $1.5 trillion in annual revenue.

# News | 2024-01-15

What Is the Role of IoT in the Translation Sector?

In an increasingly connected world, it is crucial to ensure that language never becomes a communication barrier. The translation industry is witnessing a significant transformation, with IoT emerging as a major driving force. IoT integration is now prevalent in wearable translators, smart speakers, smartphones and other communication devices, facilitating real-time language translation from any location. 

IoT SIM vs M2M SIM Cards – Is there a difference?

Connecting M2M applications with SIM cards is not really a new phenomenon. The so-called Machine-to-Machine communication is quite often associated with the Internet of Things, in short IoT. But what is difference of both terms, M2M and IoT? Do you need different SIM-Cards for M2M solutions than for IoT applications?

1NCE IoT Flat Rate: Celebrating two years of success!

Just a month ago, I contacted you directly for the first time. At that time, to assure you that we will continue to stand reliably by your side despite the ongoing Corona crisis. And today I am writing to you again! But not because I'm finally bored at work dueto the lockdown, but because there's so much to tell you. We're pushing ahead with our development to achieve seamless connectivity integration: "Cloud Native".

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